Thailand: Military makes threats against pro-democracy Red Shirts

Thousands of Red Shirts commemorate the April-May 2010 killings of pro-democracy protesters by military forces.
By Giles Ji Ungpakorn
April 12, 2011 – Red Thai Socialist – One year after Thailand's military gunned down nearly 90 pro-democracy civilians in Bangkok and in the run-up to the promised first election since the 2006 coup, the military have been very active in increasing the obstacles to a free and fair election. They are seriously worried about the outcome of this election.
Naturally the Democrat Party government and its bosses in the army will not be stuffing ballot boxes or inflating the number of votes for the government. That would be too obvious and they would be quickly found out. But what they have been doing since the 2006 coup has been waging a war of attrition to gradually destroy Thaksin Shinawatra’s Thai Rak Thai Party and the Peua Thai Party, which is its new incarnation. The courts and the election commission have been used in a biased manner to destroy the chances of a Red Shirt election victory. Bribery and threats have also been used to get politicians to change sides. Added to this we have blanket censorship and the use of the lèse majesté law against government opponents. The military have also used bloody violence and threats.
Yet the Peua Thai Party is doing nothing to try to win the election. It has virtually no new policies and hopes that Red Shirts will automatically vote for the party. If it is seen to lose, this will give a great deal of false legitimacy to the dictatorship. There is growing unease among many Red Shirts and the gap between this huge social movement and the professional politicians in Peua Thai is widening.
General Sansern Keawkamnurd, spokesperson for the army, has announced that the army is accusing Jatuporn Prompan and two other Red Shirt leaders (Wichien Kaokum and Rambo Isarn) of lèse majesté following their massive April 10 rally in Bangkok. Jatuporn is accused of “insulting the princess” by saying that he too would like to be interviewed on TV by the same presenter. The Democrat Party spokesperson Teptai Senpong supports the army’s accusation.
The recent interview of the king’s youngest daughter indicates how the Thai monarchy is in the process of degeneration. First, the princess’ speech delivery and the content of what she said is more likely to remind people of an intellectually challenged individual than a demi-god. She boasts about how rich she is while trying to tell the public about the “good works” of her parents. The interviewer grovelled on the ground in front of the princess’ shoes, twice, and she nodded with approval. He also grovelled on the ground at the same level as the princess’ dog and even shared the dog’s cup cake. The Thai population are supposed to be brought near to tears of joy and loyal emotion by such idiotic spectacles.
The army has threatened those who are trying to campaign for the repeal of the lèse majesté law (article 112) and urged loyal subjects to “prevent” such activities. The generals claim that foreigners are “impressed” by the greatness of the Thai monarchy, but are confused by misinformation from Red Shirts.
It is the army that is the real unconstitutional power in Thailand. It uses the monarchy to legitimise all its actions. This explains why the army is so manic in defending the monarchy and in using lèse majesté against democracy activists. The generals stand to lose everything if a republican movement sweeps across Thailand and it looks like that might just happen.
Army commander General Prayut Chan-ocha has declared that the country was always “democratic”, as though the 2006 coup and all that followed never took place. He reaffirmed the lie that the military “never shot pro-democracy demonstrators” last year. Yet there is overwhelming photographic and documentary evidence that the military and the government ordered the killing of unarmed Red Shirts by bringing in tanks, heavily armed soldiers and snipers to crush the pro-democracy demonstrations in Bangkok. Nearly 90 unarmed civilians, including paramedics and foreign journalists, were shot by snipers in “free-fire zones” set up by the military. The army has now sent troops into villages this April, to coincide with the Songkran festival. It claims that it wants to tell the people the “truth” and make sure everyone remains loyal to the monarchy. General Prayut claimed that many Red Shirts were trying to insult the “holiness” of the monarchy and told Red Shirt leader Jatuporn Prompan to “watch it”.
The Department of Special Investigation (DSI) has been “unable” to release the results of autopsies on civilians killed by the army 12 months ago. Now the head of the DSI is demanding that Red Shirt leaders, who are out on bail, be returned to jail for making pro-democracy speeches at recent rallies.
Recently the Oxford-educated finance minister Korn Jatikawanit boasted on his Facebook site that he had ridden in a taxi driven by a Red Shirt. On leaving the taxi, Korn gave the driver a lesson: “You can hold different views from me but don’t use violence”, he said. Korn is part of the military-installed Democrat Party government that ordered the cold-blooded shooting of Red Shirt civilians last year.
The “electoral commission” has just confirmed that 73 loyal servants of the regime have just been appointed as unelected senators, making up half of the upper house. There are 18 former government officials, 11 military officers and six police. After the 2006 coup the military re-wrote the constitution so that half the Senate would be appointed instead of being elected as before. Earlier, pro-military election commissioner Sodsri Satayatum said that she would prefer it if the general election was cancelled. She claims the country isn’t ready for an election.
Meanwhile, the fascist PAD [People's Alliance for Democracy, or Yellow Shirts] is destroying itself with internal strife. PAD's support has seriously declined and it cannot agree about participating in the coming election because it knows that they will receive a miserable vote. The PAD staged violent pro-monarchy and pro-dictatorship demonstrations in Bangkok, including the seizure of Government House and the international airports. Now some of their leaders want the election scrapped and a Burmese-style junta to rule the country. The Thai military-dominated “security council” has also stated that since Burma now has a new “democratic” government, Burmese refugees can be forced back over the border.
Background to the rise of the Red Shirts
There is a common thread running through the political crisis in Thailand and the political crises that exploded earlier this year in the Middle East. In Thailand, Egypt, Tunisia and many other “developing nations”, their societies have been rapidly urbanising and changing over the last 30-40 years. Yet the ruling elites and the power structures which dominate these societies have not changed. Different events triggered uprisings and struggles, but the underlying tensions remain the same.
For the last 40 years the Thai ruling class has maintained its power through the military, the monarchy and occasionally by the use of an electoral system dominated by the money politics of business-controlled political parties. The naked coercive power of the military and other state institutions is complemented by the ideology of the monarchy. This is achieved by imposing and socialising the belief among the population that the king is an all-powerful god who is to be loved or at least feared. This belief is a complete myth, but at various times it has been effective in serving the interests of the conservative ruling elites.
This state of affairs has constantly been challenged by mass uprisings and struggle by social movements. But in 2001 a serious challenge to the old order arose from within the ruling class itself. Thaksin Shinawatra’s Thai Rak Thai Party (TRT) won a majority in parliament by winning the hearts and minds of the electorate.
Thaksin's business-dominated party promised and delivered a universal health-care system, job creation programs and a raft of modernisation policies. In the past, elections had been about money politics, where politicians acted as personal patrons of their constituents while offering no political policies. The rise of TRT came to represent a serious, but unintentional, challenge to the conservatives in the ruling class. This sparked a military coup in September 2006, which in turn sparked the building of a pro-democracy mass movement called the Red Shirts.
[Giles Ji Ungpakorn is a political commentator and dissident. In February 2009 he had to leave Thailand for exile in Britain because he was charged with lèse majesté for writing a book criticising the 2006 military coup. He is a member of Left Turn Thailand, a socialist organisation. His latest book, Thailand’s Crisis and the Fight for Democracy, will be of interest to activists, academics and journalists who have an interest in Thai politics, democratisation and NGOs. Giles' website is at]
Reasons why the coming election in Thailand will not be free or
By Giles Ji Ungpakorn
Democratic elections cannot be organised in a country which is ruled by the Military and non-democratic politicians who have so much contempt for Democracy that they organise and support a military coup and order the deliberate shooting of unarmed pro-democracy demonstrators. Thailand today is such a country. Neither can free or fair elections be held in a society where there is no freedom of expression and freedom to access information. The present military-backed government in Thailand is using draconian censorship of the internet and community media and it controls all mainstream media outlets. It also uses the lèse majesté and computer crimes laws to jail those who express views contrary to the Government and the Military.
In the run up to this year’s announced elections, the Military, the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) and the Electoral Commission, with support from the Democrat Party Government, are taking further steps to fix this election. It will not be anything so crude as stuffing ballot boxes or miscounting votes, however. It will be structural fraud.
The Military and DSI have now accused Red Shirt leaders of lèse majesté. The DSI has said that it can charge people with this law for merely using “body language” like clapping or smiling when someone else makes a speech. The Electoral Commission has also suggested that any political party which mentions the Monarchy, in whatever light, can be banned and dissolved. This will create the conditions where the rule can be selectively used against the Red Shirt Peua Thai Party. The Military have also been proclaiming that the election will be between pro- and anti- Monarchy parties. This sets the scene for the election.
This is a high risk strategy. The elites are extremely worried by the election, but also desperately need to gain legitimacy by actually winning for once. Only the fascist PAD want elections scrapped altogether. Disgracefully, this PAD sentiment is echoed by one key Election Commissioner!
But the actions of the Military since the 2006 coup, including the phobia and increased repression over lèse majesté can only push more Thais into the republican camp.
Previous to this, the conservative elites have changed the election rules and the structures of power to favour their side in many different ways:
· “Normalising” Military intervention by staging the 2006 coup, rewriting the Constitution and appointing pro-military Senators.
· Using draconian censorship and Military and Government control of the mainstream media in order to try to sway public opinion.
· Appointing conservative royalists to the Election Commission and the National Human Rights Commission. The Election Commission can disqualify Red Shirt politicians at the next election under weak pretexts if necessary.
· Using the biased courts, since the 2006 coup, to dissolve Thai Rak Thai and Palang Prachachon Parties and to ban some of their best known politicians, while letting the Democrat Party get off scot-free.
· Tinkering with the election process has tipped the balance in favour of the minority Democrat Party, which is supported by the Military. There have been measures to place greater weight on “party list” MPs. The method for selecting these MPs, plus the suggestion that the political party with most party list members, excluding constituency MPs, should have the right to form a Government, is part of this process.
· Increased use of the lèse majesté and computer crimes laws against any opposition and the use of lethal violence against demonstrators has been designed to cause fear and demoralisation among Red Shirts.
· The use of threats and bribes to urge corrupt politicians to side with the Democrat Party was used to form help the present regime. It can be done again.
The conclusion is that this year’s election, if held on time, will definitely not be free or fair. Red Shirts will have to continue to organise and protest to demand real political change. We need to scrap draconian censorship laws, totally reform the Military and the Judiciary, release all political prisoners, punish the Generals and politicians who ordered the killing of civilians and we need to make serious changes to society in order to build economic equality.