Panel discussion: The future of the Bolivarian Revolution after Hugo Chavez

March 17, 2013 – Green Left TV – The Venezuelan people have made it clear that, despite the tragic death of their revolutionary president Hugo Chavez, they will continue the Bolivarian Revolution, and build "socialism in the 21st century". This episode of the Green Left Report discusses Chavez's legacy in Venezuela, Latin America and globally, why he was despised by Western governments and future prospects for the Bolivarian Revolution.

Panel guests include:

  • Arelis Sumabila, a Venezuelan who worked with Chavez and helped establish the indigenous University of Venezuela;
  • Federico Fuentes, a member of the editorial collective who has helped lead Australia Venezuela Solidarity Network brigades. He reported for Green Left Weekly from Venezuela from 2007 to 2010; and
  • Rodrigo Acuna, a PhD candidate in international studies at Macquarie University in Sydney, who writes regularly on Latin American affairs in the Australian press and has been interviewed for ABC and SBS Radio.