New Zealand

Mike Treen — Working people must fight for a country where full employment and generous welfare systems for the unemployed are important protections for workers.
Elliot Crossan — For the Prime Minister to choose this moment to rule out both a wealth tax and a capital gains tax is a disgrace. Labour cannot claim to be the party of the working class while siding so clearly and openly with the wealthy few.
By Mike Treen January 23, 2019
— Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal — Armistice Day, November 11, commemorates the day when the fighting stopped on the Western front in Europe.

As a participant in this lie of the “war to end all wars” New Zealand had achieved the unique result of suffering the highest military casualty rate of any nation involved in that war.


By Mike Treen 

February 9, 2017 — Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal — Working people need to confront racism, sexism and anti-immigrant prejudice if we are to be successful in uniting our class sufficiently to take on the huge power of the one percent – the super-rich owners of most productive wealth in society.