Left Bloc

After the 2024 European elections: Rightward shift with slight headwinds
Cornelia Hildebrandt — The few successes cannot conceal the continued defensive posture of leftist parties in Europe and the existential crisis faced by individual parties.

Portugal: A shift to the right but an uncertain future after elections
Adriano Campos — Faced with the rise of the far right and a radicalized right government, the left has a dual mission: organise the struggle against the new government and present a credible alternative.

Portugal: Far right surges in election
Dave Kellaway provides an initial response to the March 10 general election in Portugal, in which the far-right party Chega was the big winner of the night.

Now The People! — United for solidarity, climate, justice and peace
The Left Bloc, France Unbowed, Podemos, Sweden's Left Party, Finland's Left Alliance and Red Green Alliance take a joint stand in defense of solidarity, the climate, justice and peace.

In Portugal, the left is rebuilding
A conversation with former Bloco de Esquerda MP Beatriz Gomes Dias.

In this wide-ranging interview, Jorge Costa of Portugal's Left Bloc covers developments in Portuguese politics under the Socialist Party government, the rise of the far right Chega!, relations with the Portuguese Communist Party, and challenges facing the party as it returns to growth with an influx of a generation of younger activists.

What is the European left saying about the Ukraine war?
Chris Maisano surveys the views and policies of left-wing parties in Europe regarding the Ukraine war.
Portugal: “el Bloque de Izquierda lucha por la hegemonía de la izquierda”