
What’s next for the Nigerian left?
Ayoola Babalola — Although the #EndBadGovernance protests attempted to address lingering questions from the #EndSARS era, the potential for the left to transform Nigeria’s political landscape remains a question.

Nigerian government unleashes massive repression after #endhunger protests
In August, tens of thousands of Nigerians rose up to denounce the government in a movement that was organised under the slogans #endbadgovernance and #endhunger. Salvador Ousmane writes about the many still incarcerated for the crime of protest.

Economic hardship sparks nationwide protest in Nigeria
Baba Aye — Tens of thousands of people have trooped out on the streets across Nigeria in nationwide #EndBadGovernance protests against hardship and hunger, since 1 August.

(Statements) African progressives on the coup in Niger
A regularly updated collection of statements by African socialists, trade unions and democratic forces on the recent coup in Niger.

Nigeria: We don’t need another hero
Nanre Nafziger — In Nigeria’s recent election cycle, many citizens looked to Peter Obi for change. But the country needs people-led social transformation, not saviors.
South Africa: Xenophobia or Afrophobia?

By Denja Yaqub, assistant se
Nigeria: 'Je Suis Baga'? The world ignores the tragedy of Baga

Nigerian troops patrol Baga after the previou
Ebola epidemic exposes the sickness of the global economic and political system

An awareness campaign against Ebola in Abidjan, Ivory
Nigeria: Hypocritical West exploits Boko Haram's crimes

Members of Boko Ha
Nigeria: Africa’s number one economy -- for wealth evaporation

In 2012, neoliberalism catalysed a nati