
Québec solidaire prepares to confront a new government of austerity and social and ethnic polarization

By RIchard Fidler October 25, 2018 
— Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal reposted from Life on the Left — Québec solidaire’s 10 members of the National Assembly, elected October 1, took their oath of office on October 17 in two parts.

Solidaires score important breakthrough in Quebec election

“For the creation of the first country in the world

Quebec sovereigntists debate fallout from Québec solidaire’s decisions on alliances

By Richard FidlerJune 7, 2017 — Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal reposted from Life on the Left — As I explained in my previous report on the Québec solidaire congress, it was disclosed after the congress that the QS central leadership had disavowed the signatures by its representatives on a proposed “road map” to independence drafted in April by the coalition OUI Québec, which includes all the pro-independence parties including QS. That decision, not reported to the QS congress delegates in late May, has since given rise so far to several articles, all of them published in the Montréal nationalist daily Le Devoir. I have translated them below.