revolutionary organisation

US historian Paul Le Blanc

Paul Le Blanc: Why I am rejoining Solidarity and some thoughts on the future

Paul Le Blanc explains why he is rejoining Solidarity and how it fits into his thinking about what we are facing and “what is to be done” at this point in time.

After Trotskyism, what? Some personal thoughts

By Arash Azizi
“The tradition of all the dead generations weighs like a nigh

Ideas for the struggle #12 - Do not confuse desires with reality

1. Unfortunately, there tends to be a lot of subjectivism in our analysis of the political situation. What tends to occur is that leaders, driven by their revolutionary passion, tend to confuse desires with reality.

Ideas for the struggle #11 - Popular consultations: spaces that allow for the convergence of different forces

1. I have previously argued the case for the need to create a large social bloc against neoliberalism that can unite all those affected by the system.

Ideas for the struggle #10 - A strategy for building the unity of the left

1. I have previously referred to the necessity of building unity among all left forces and actors in order to be able to cohere a broad anti-neoliberal bloc around them.

Ideas for the struggle #9 - Respect differences and be flexible in regards to activism

1. There continues to be a difficulty within the left to deal with differences.

Ideas for the struggle #8 - The left should avoid allowing the right to set its agenda for struggle

1. In the previous article, I stated that a large section of the political left has found it very difficult to work with social movements and develop ties with the new social forces in recent decades.

Ideas for the struggle #6 - The need to unite the political left and the social left

1. The rejection by a majority of the people of the globalization model imposed on our continent intensifies each day given its inability to solve the most pressing problems of our people.

Ideas for the struggle #5 - Minorities can be right

1. Democratic centralism implies not only the subordination of the minority to the majority, but also the respect of the majority towards the minority

Ideas for the struggle #4 - Should we reject bureaucratic centralism and simply use consensus?

1. For a long time, left-wing parties operated along authoritarian lines. The usual practice was that of bureaucratic centralism, influenced by the practice of Soviet socialism.

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