
Ernest Mandel

Trotskyists and the resistance in World War II

Ernest Mandel - If we look at the problem of World War II from a more dialectical, more correct Leninist point of view, we have to say that it was in reality a combination of five different wars.

Trotskyism in Cuba (PDF book)

Trotskismos em Cuba – Retrato de um Encontr

Trotsky’s ideas in Cuba

Interview with Frank Ga

The darker the night, the brighter the star: Leon Trotsky’s struggle against Stalinism

By Paul Le Blanc July 18, 2016 – Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal – The title of this session – “the darker the night, the brighter the star” – is the title of the fourth and final volume of Tony Cliff’s biography of Leon Trotsky, who was a central leader of the 1917 Russian Revolution of workers and peasants, which turned the Russian Tsarist empire into the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. One of the founders of modern Communism and the Soviet state, Trotsky is also the best known of those who fought against the degeneration of that revolution and movement brought on by a vicious bureaucratic dictatorship led by Joseph Stalin.[1]

New books shed light on Trotsky's struggle against Soviet bureaucracy

Leon Trotsky
  Reviewed by Barry Healy Leon Trotsky