
Trotskyists and the resistance in World War II
Ernest Mandel - If we look at the problem of World War II from a more dialectical, more correct Leninist point of view, we have to say that it was in reality a combination of five different wars.

Trotskismos em Cuba – Retrato de um Encontr

Interview with Frank Ga
The Chimes at Midnight: Trotskyism in the USSR 1926-1938

To the memory of my grandparents,
After Trotskyism, what? Some personal thoughts

“The tradition of all the dead generations weighs like a nigh
New books shed light on Trotsky's struggle against Soviet bureaucracy

Leon Trotsky
Reviewed by Barry Healy
Leon Trotsky
Nikolai Bukharin: ‘The favourite of the whole party’

By Doug Enaa Greene
Paul Le Blanc reviews Daniel Bensaïd's memoir, 'An Impatient Life'

An Impatient Life: A Memoir