Win a trip to Venezuela! Drawn on August 30, 2009

Win a trip to Venezuela!

…and strengthen the solidarity movement with Venezuela’s revolution 

Enter the Australia-Venezuela Solidarity Network’s 2009 guessing competition to

 win a funded place (including international airfares) on a solidarity brigade from Australia to Venezuela to the value of $3500.

Second prize: A 12-month subscription to Green Left WeeklyAustralia’s leading source of news and analysis about the Venezuelan revolution.

The AVSN brigades are a tremendous opportunity to see first-hand the revolution unfolding in Venezuela. You will meet with a wide range of community organisations involved in transforming Venezuelan society, visit occupied factories and community-run educational institutions, see “popular power” at work in the communal councils and people’s banks, and speak to government and grassroots organisations about the radical changes being implemented by the Venezuelan people. You will spend time in the capital, Caracas, as well as in regional Venezuela.

The guessing competition is AVSN’s major fundraiser for 2009. Every ticket you buy or sell to friends will make a valuable contribution to strengthening solidarity with the Venezuelan people and their revolution.


Tickets: $5 each

To buy or order any number of tickets:


Ø      Purchase tickets by credit card by emailing


Ø      Contact your local AVSN committee (details at

Send your name, postal address and phone/email with a note of how many tickets you want to buy to: AVSN, PO Box 5421CC, Melbourne 3001 and we will mail them to you. Please make cheques or money orders payable to “Australia-Venezuela Solidarity Network”.


The competition will be drawn on August 30, 2009.

Winners will be announced at