Trotsky Ukraine

Leon Trotsky supported an independent Ukraine

Gavin Gatenby — In the months before his assassination by a Stalinist agent, Leon Trotsky wrote three important articles on the issue of Ukraine. So resolutely did Trotsky support Ukraine’s right to independence that these articles probably gave an added impetus to Josef Stalin’s determination to murder his old rival.
liquid imperialism syria

The liquid imperialism that engulfed Syria

Yassin al-Haj Saleh — How regional and global powers, internal colonialism and Salafi-jihadist subterfuge converged to short-circuit the Syrian struggle against despotism.
India one nation, one election

India: Why this desperation for 'One Nation, One Election'? (Plus: We need to be battle ready to stop the BJP-RSS disaster and rebuild India)

CPI(ML) Liberation — With every passing day, the Modi government is reducing an elected parliament in a democratic republic to the status of an emperor's royal court.
Green Left conference

Turkey: Green Left Party holds conference to discuss road map (Plus: GL conference ends with resolutions for the future)

The Green Left Party discussed its future at a conference in Ankara under the slogan "With Change to Freedom".
statute Allende

That other 9-11: The coup that ended Chile’s Popular Unity government

Richard Fidler — On the 50th anniversary of the coup in Chile, it seems appropriate to look back at the Chilean experience and to think about the lessons to be learned for today’s Left and progressive movements.
Malaysia protest

Malaysia: Memorandum of protest against Manipur violence and passivity of government of India

We, the undersigned organisations, are expressing our deep concern and condemnation of the escalating violence in Manipur, particularly the distressing reports of the weaponization of sexual violence against women.
JEJAAH protest

On the worker-peasant alliance in India (and other countries of the Global South)

Raju J Das — For peasants to enhance their success in getting their demands met in India (as elsewhere in the Global South, with its belated capitalist development), there must be a worker peasant alliance.
degrowth protest

Nine theses on ecosocialist degrowth

Michael Löwy — The ecological crisis is already the most important social and political question of the twenty-first century, and will become even more so in the coming months and years. The future of the planet, and thus of humanity, will be decided in the coming decades.
Green Marx

Discovering a Green Marx: Kohei Saito’s 'Marx in the Anthropocene'

Ryan Moore — The days when Karl Marx’s ideas were assumed to be incompatible with environmentalism and in need of greening are thankfully past, thanks in no small part to Kohei Saito’s contributions.
burning earth

Neither productivism nor degrowth: Thoughts on ecosocialism

Ståle Holgersen — Eco-Marxism and eco-socialism are currently haunted by a polarization between a socialist eco-modernism and degrowth.

The restoration of the imperial idea in Stalin’s USSR

Vadim Rogovin — The internationalist doctrine of Marxism suffered the most ruthless annihilation in Stalin's ideology. To fill the resulting ideological vacuum, Stalin orientated his propaganda machine to appeal to the national-state stereotypes rooted in mass consciousness.
Ukraine placard

Marxism and Ukraine’s struggle for independence and self-determination

Jerry Harris — Independence and self-determination have been a guiding socialist principle for more than 100 years. Understanding these long-held principles is essential in the discussion regarding the Russian invasion of Ukraine.