
Now The People

Now The People! — United for solidarity, climate, justice and peace

The Left Bloc, France Unbowed, Podemos, Sweden's Left Party, Finland's Left Alliance and Red Green Alliance take a joint stand in defense of solidarity, the climate, justice and peace.
Jorge Costa

Portugal’s Left Bloc: ‘We provide a solid political reference point to the workers and social movements’

In this wide-ranging interview, Jorge Costa of Portugal's Left Bloc covers developments in Portuguese politics under the Socialist Party government, the rise of the far right Chega!, relations with the Portuguese Communist Party, and challenges facing the party as it returns to growth with an influx of a generation of younger activists.
Ukrainian soldiers

What is the European left saying about the Ukraine war?

Chris Maisano surveys the views and policies of left-wing parties in Europe regarding the Ukraine war.

Spain: Debate erupts in Podemos around agreement to join PSOE government

By Dick Nichols

August 6, 2017 — Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal — On September 26 last year, José García Molina, the secretary-general of Podemos in the central Spanish autonomous community (state) of Castilla-La Mancha, announced that his party’s agreement keeping the regional Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE) government in office had «died of disappointment and shame». According to García Molina, the agreement had expired «waiting for one of its signatories to breathe life and inspiration into it, waiting for justice to be done to what had been presented and signed, but most of all it died from shame at realising some people’s lack of commitment to their promises and undertakings.» This was despite the Castilla-La Mancha government’s claim that of the 72 points agreed with Podemos as a basis for its support, 49 had been completed and 19 were in the process of being implemented.

Spain: Socialist Party leader’s shock rebirth unnerves establishment

By Dick Nichols May 31, 2017 — Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal — The plan had seemed so well organised. Its first stage was successfully executed on October 1 last year when the ruling elite in the Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE) got the party’s 250-strong Federal Political Committee (FPC) to force the resignation of general secretary Pedro Sánchez (see account here). Sánchez’s crime had been his refusal, after the inconclusive June 26 general election last year, to allow the formation of a minority People’s Party (PP) government through PSOE abstention. He had also proposed to have this refusal put to the PSOE membership for endorsement and to have a new primary for the position of general secretary.