Jina protest sydney

Asian left in solidarity with mass protests in Iran

A collection of statements by left parties in Asia in solidarity with mass protests in Iran

Brazil presidential election: Back to the streets to win on October 30!

Socialist Left Movement/PSOL - The left candidate Lula da Silva won the first round with 48.4% of the vote (57,259,504 votes) against 43.2% for his right-wing opponent Jair Bolsonaro (51,072,345 votes): an advantage of about 6 million votes. However, what marked the result - contrary to the expectation created by all the opinion polls - was that Bolsonaro did much better than predicted.

Russian nationalism, NATO, and the threat of nuclear annihilation

Saladdin Ahmed - From the perspective of the ruling class in the West, anything short of unconditional approval of NATO’s policies is automatically perceived with suspicion, but that should not intimidate the left. The ongoing conflict between NATO and Putin’s regime is a capitalist conflict between imperialists. 
Russian tank

Protest and exodus: Has the Putin regime pushed its citizens too far?

Boris Kagarlitsky - Vladimir Putin, by declaring a “partial” mobilization in Russia, achieved at least one thing: society finally realized that it was in a state of war.
Students of Amir Kabir university protest against Hijab and the Islamic Republic

The life uprising in Iran, imperialism, and international solidarity

Soheil Asefi - Zhina’s death has sparked hundreds of protests across the country while “Zhen, Zhian, Azadi,” the Kurdish slogan that means “Woman, Life, Freedom,” has spreads beyond Iranian borders.

Dagestan: 'In almost every village someone was killed'

Saida Sirazhudinova and Khazbi Budunov - What prompted Dagestani people to oppose “partial mobilization”? Why did the protests have a female voice? What influenced the course of the events? What’s spiritual and political life in the republic like? Saida Sirazhudinova and Khazbi Budunov discuss the anti-war protest in Russia’s Dagestan and its conditions

War and resistance in Putin’s Russia: An Interview with Ilya Budraitskis

Ashley Smith interviews Ilya Butraitskis - The Ukrainian resistance has scored major victories in its struggle to liberate its country from Russian occupation. Putin, facing defeats on the battleground, has issued draft orders for 300,000 people in Russia to shore up his military forces in Ukraine. He has also staged “sham” referendums in occupied Donbas as part of his drive to annex it to be part of Russia.

Interview: On “The Tragedy of the Ukrainian Working Class”

Peter Birke interviews Karmína collective - How have social-economic conditions in Ukraine developed since the 1990s? What role has the labor movement played? How and with what goals have labor struggles been wagered? And what is currently changing as a result of the war?
Protesting an Australian navy weapons expo in May. Photo: Sydney Anti-AUKUS Coalition

Socialist Alliance (Australia): Reject the war drive on China: For a foreign policy based on justice, human rights and climate action

The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation’s (NATO) new Strategic Concept document, adopted at the Madrid Summit at the end of June, is the imperialists’ attempt to give new meaning to this Cold War military alliance.

We are determined to liberate Taiwan!

Did the Chinese Communist Party always consider Taiwan as part of the Chinese nation?

Michael Pröbsting - A highly interesting academic study – published nearly half a century ago – casts a light on the Chinese Communists’ position on Taiwan in the past.
Green Left

The Socialist Green New Deal

Green Left - In this document, we trace the development of a Green Socialist New Deal (GSND) from its origins in the ‘New Deal’ of the 1930s, to the more recent Green New Deal.
Armenians in Berlin protesting against the Azerbaijani attack.

Azerbaijan-Armenia conflict: The West’s double standards and Moscow’s weak hand

Axel Gehring - Azerbaijan is exploiting the window of opportunity granted by the war in Ukraine to escalate its attacks on Armenia.