Trump and after: Letters from North America
March 7, 2017 — Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal reposted from
Building a socialist left under Trump
With Flynn Murray, Charlie Post, Jen Roesch and Bhaska
A vision of democratic ecosocialism
Before Lenin: Bolshevik theory and practice in February 1917 revisited
By Eric Blanc
Ten proposals to beat the European Union
By Eric Toussaint, Miguel Urbán Crespo, Teresa Rodríguez, Ang
US policy in Syria: Confused or just confusing?
By Tony Iltis
Western Sahara: An albatross on the African Union’s conscience
By Nizar K. Visram
Striking for ourselves on International Women's Day
By Liz Mason-Deese
#czarnyprotest: The Black Protest for abortion rights in Poland
By Katarzyna Bielińska-Kowalewska
Revolutionary theory and popularization
By Doug Greene