Maduro and the market: Can Chavistas keep the revolution on track?

For more on Venezuela, click HERE and more by
Ireland: Sinn Fein backs Yes vote on marriage equality
May 13, 2015 – Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal – Sinn Féin video feat
Ireland: A new party called hope -- Right2Water unions begin new left process (with videos)

Irish protest against water charges at the GPO in January.
Naomi Klein: To fight climate change we must fight capitalism

Naomi Klein interviewed by Agnès Rousseaux and Sophie Chapelle
Lessons from Spain: grassroots democracy and the movements against capitalism

"Podemos, whose decision-making process is based on online voting by a passive mass membership of 300,000, is a highly ce
Lenin's Comintern compromise of 1921

For more on the Communist International, click HERE.
Social democracy's past and present dissected

A Short History of Social Democracy: From Socialist Origins to Neoliberal Theocracy