Behind Iraq's crisis: New US war is no answer

By Tony Iltis
For a 'social Europe benefiting all': Gabi Zimmer, head of the GUE/NGL parliamentary group

Interview conducted by Maxime Benatouil
Venezuela: Thousands debate socialist congress proposals

An activist with the Baruta Battle Unit Bolivar-Chavez (UBCh).
By Arlene Eisen, Caracas

Far-right militia parade openly in Kyiv.
Fourth International statement on Ukraine: 'Popular movement and imperialisms'

Maidan square, Keiv, December 2013.
Spanish state: Eruption of Podemos sparks turmoil left and right

By Dick Nichols
Thailand: The militarisation of society

A Thai journalist protests next to troops over concerns about freedom of speech. Photo by @redbamboo16 on Twitter.
Iraq and Syria: The struggle against the 'multi-sided' counterrevolution

June 27, 2014, BBC map of the gains made by ISIS.
The Gulf and Islamism in Syria: myths and misconceptions

ISIS fighters.
By Michael Karadjis