Ideas for the struggle #6 - The need to unite the political left and the social left
1. The rejection by a majority of the people of the globalization model imposed on our continent intensifies each day given its inability to solve the most pressing problems of our people.
Facing the Anthropocene: Fossil capitalism and the crisis of the Earth system
Pablo Solon on ‘Vivir Bien’: Going beyond capitalism?
Precarious employment and the role of trade unions in post-socialist Central Europe
Ideas for the struggle #5 - Minorities can be right
1. Democratic centralism implies not only the subordination of the minority to the majority, but also the respect of the majority towards the minority.
South African workers mobilize to challenge neoliberal policies
Being a Kurdish-Turkish mistake
The voice for change – On Hong Kong’s 2016 Legislative Council election results
Catalonia and Spanish state: million-strong rally brings showdown closer
1916: Use workers’ power to end the war