Ukraine Resists!

Ukraine Resists!: A leftist guidebook on Putin’s war, NATO and the future of Ukraine

Chris Slee — "Ukraine Resists!: Left Voices on Putin’s War, NATO and the Future of Ukraine" is a compilation of interviews with socialists from Ukraine, Russia and elsewhere.
inter-imperialist rivalry

Imperialism, Great Power rivalry and revolutionary strategy in the twenty-first century: Interview with Michael Pröbsting

Michael Pröbsting discusses the important changes that have occurred within the global imperialist system in recent decades and its implications for revolutionary strategy today.
BRICS summit logo

BRICS+ emerge from Johannesburg humbled as sub- (not anti- or inter-) imperialists

Patrick Bond — The BRICS summit in Johannesburg concluded on August 24 after a major disappointment: the long-overdue challenge to U.S. dollar hegemony was stillborn due to the bloc’s conservative forces.
niger coup leader

Turkey: The imperialist scramble in Africa and Erdoğan's position

Yusuf Karadaş — Erdoğan's government is among the regimes that are trying to use the reactions against colonialism in Africa (especially in Muslim countries) and the struggle for domination between imperialists, as an opportunity for their own expansionist ambitions.

BRICS+: An imperialist-led alliance

Michael Pröbsting — The expansion of BRICS reflects the rise of Chinese and Russian imperialism at the cost of their Western rivals.
Kurds Assyrians Druze

Syria: Revolution reborn (plus statement by Syrian Democratic Council)

Leila Al Shami — August 25, the revolution flag flew high in villages, towns and cities across Syria. In Sweida, Dera’a, Aleppo, Idlib, Raqqa, Hasakeh and Deir Al Zour, thousands were on the streets reviving the chants of the revolution.
Turkey: Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) handed over its activities to the Green Left Party

Turkey: Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) handed over its activities to the Green Left Party

HDP held its 4th Extraordinary Congress and handed over its activities to the Green Left Party. The decision was made in response to potential risks arising from the closure case against the party.
ACR Ecosocialism

Britain: Anticapitalist Resistance issues appeal for ecosocialism conference

Anticapitalist Resistance — We must build an international ecosocialist movement rooted in the working class to expropriate businesses, end imperialism and transform the economy to prioritise human need within planetary limits.

Objective conditions in Venezuela: Maduro’s defensive strategy and contradictions among the people

Steve Ellner — The war on Venezuela, along with other unfavorable conditions, lent itself to Maduro’s defensive strategy. However, that approach was not without a major risk.
Antonio Neto

Peru: Eight months after Dina Boluarte usurped government, the future of the Peruvian people is at risk

Antonio Neto & Jorge Escalante — There are at least two possible scenarios: either a reactionary government with fascist traits is consolidated or we move forward with a process of structural changes. What is at stake is the future of Peru.
Russian tanks

Russian imperialism and its monopolies

Michael Pröbsting — Some on the left still claim Russia is not an imperialist power (and hence a lesser evil than Western rivals). This is a discussion not just of theoretical interest but also of political importance.
beyond the wall

‘Beyond the Wall’: A objective look of the former German Democratic Republic

John Tully — Katya Hoyer is no apologist for the East German regime, but she has written a more objective history of the former state than the German establishment would like.