Michael Pröbsting - Several events in the past few years have provoked profound instability in relations between the imperialist Great Powers. It is therefore not surprising that ideologists and strategic thinkers of the ruling class are working hard to elaborate analyses and perspectives on how their respective Great Power can best respond to the challenges of the current period.
Why Marx was right about capitalism needing to have periodic crises
Mike Treen - The key questions for Marx were understanding why capitalism operates the way it does and whether capitalism is a historically limited system that will reach a limit and need to be superseded.
MES/PSOL (Brazil): Lula's victory was a great democratic triumph against authoritarianism
The victory of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (Workers Party, PT) in the 2022 Brazilian elections was the most important democratic triumph since the fall of the military regime (1964-1985). Celebrations took over the country on Sunday night (October 30), harking back to the best traditions of the Brazilian people's struggle. There were hundreds of thousands of people in the streets taken as a whole, with the epicenter of celebrations on Avenida Paulista; the moving scenes of the opening of a voting school in Bahia, where hundreds of people waited with enthusiasm and confidence for the moment to vote for Lula, also expressed this feeling.
Sean Purdy - Lula da Silva narrowly won the Brazilian presidential elections against Jair Bolsonaro. Yet, Bolsonarismo—the far-right ideology punctuated by fascist traits and enthusiastically supported by the higher ranks of the Armed Forces—continues as strong as ever.
Against The Current - As Russia's invasion and its global impacts spread with ruinous impact, it’s high time for factual, political and moral clarity on what this war is about. That requires sorting out a great deal of ideological mythology on all sides.
Five wars in one: The battle for Ukraine
Susan Watkins - A classic analysis of the Second World War defines it as the outcome of five different types of conflict. Might this type of analytical perspective throw some light on the present war for Ukraine?
Trotskyists and the resistance in World War II
Ernest Mandel - If we look at the problem of World War II from a more dialectical, more correct Leninist point of view, we have to say that it was in reality a combination of five different wars.
Malaysia: PSM’s manifesto for the 15th general election
Parti Sosialis Malaysia will be running in the Rembau parliamentary seat and the Ayer Kuning seat in the Perak state assembly. Here is their manifesto for the 15th General Election.
Sophie Chen - As China’s global impact grows, it becomes increasingly important to deepen international understanding of China, to amplify voices from grassroots social movements inside the country and, more importantly, to show solidarity and learn from their experiences and resistance.
Brazil: What Washington most fears in president-elect Lula
Steve Ellner - What has Washington most worried is the reemergence of a powerful non-aligned movement and the prospect that a progressive like Lula be situated at its helm.
Rhythm of revolution in Iran: In the name of Zhina (Mahsa) Amini
Aidin Torkameh - A collective front of a movement of a conscious people seeking self-determination, and recovering Iranian socialisms of the past and making new ones today, is urgently required.
The political importance of Mike Davis
Phil Hearse - From the 1980s until his death in California on October 22, Mike Davis was among the most influential Marxist theorists writing in the English language.