Why does China’s response so far to the Russian invasion of Ukraine "not add up"? On one hand, China has refused to condemn the Russian invasion of Ukraine, has pushed its own state-controlled media to promote only pro-Russian propaganda, and even republished false reports by the Russian state media. China abstained from a UN Security Council resolution in March 2022 that condemned the Russian invasion. Meanwhile, the Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi recently announced that China and Russia "will always maintain strategic focus and steadily advance our comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for a new era," especially in the energy trade (Quoted in Torigian 2022).
The BRICS spall, fall and (try to) reconstitute
Early March 2022 provided a surprising reflection of the extent to which dominant Western norms of international finance could retain hegemony, even as the world’s North-South polarisation suddenly worsened. The Shanghai-based New Development Bank (NDB) was set up by five countries – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) – at a 2014 Brazilian conference of presidents.
When the chickens came home to roost: Behind the assassination of Shinzo Abe
“The political meaning of Abe’s death, the consequences, I no longer have the luxury of thinking about” ― Final line in a letter the killer sent to a journalist the day before the incident.
Russian imperialism: Economically weak, militarily strong
There is a debate among socialists over whether Russia is an imperialist power or not.
The tragedy of the Ukrainian working class
By Phil Hearse and Sarah Parker
In Sri Lanka’s crisis, a new president and old problems
By B. Skanthakumar
Thoughts on Malaysia’s most pressing challenges
Speech by Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj to Socialist Party of Malaysia's 24th National Congress
(Video) Ukrainian women’s voices from the warzone
(Video) Boris Kagarlitsky: Russia, not NATO, started the war; capitalists on all sides fuel the fire