
Capitalism and community: The tragedy of atomism

Given that the immanent drive and constant tendency of capital is to atomize the working class, what are the effects of this tendency? For the atomized worker, all other workers are competitors; all other workers are enemies in so far as they are competing for the same jobs. All other workers potentially stand between them and the satisfaction of their needs.

Peoples' Democratic Party (Turkey): A call to the international community and foreign missions in Turkey — Observe the Kobanî trial on 7-9 February

Peoples' Democratic Party — We would like to invite the international community and foreign missions in Turkey to observe the 21st hearing of the Kobanî case on 7-9 February 2023 in Sincan Prison Campus, Ankara.
Iulii Martov

The lost voice of Iulii Martov

Paul Kellogg — To students of twentieth-century Russian history, the name Vladimir Il’ich Lenin is a constant, and inevitable, presence. But the name Iulii Osipovich Tsederbaum—better known through the pseudonym “Iulii Martov”—is either entirely absent from view or present only as a mysterious, and often unsavoury, figure.
CPIML international

Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Liberation: Draft resolution on the international situation

Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Liberation — Today, we stand at a critical moment in history. Fascism is on the rise globally with the consolidation of fascist regimes in a number of countries across the world accompanied by intense resistance movements, some of which, like the struggle against the Bolsonaro regime in Brazil, have been successful.
CPIML environment

Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Liberation: Draft resolution on environmental & climate crisis

Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Liberation — We are currently living amidst a global environmental and climate crisis as experienced in the form of increasing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, global warming and several other consequences.
CPIML national situation

Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Liberation: Draft resolution on national situation

Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Liberation — We are currently passing through a period of intensified assault on the constitutional foundation of parliamentary democracy and on the livelihood and rights of the Indian people, accompanied by unmitigated corporate plunder of India’s natural resources.
Iran protests

Iran: Support for the “Woman, Life, Freedom” Uprising - No to executions!

Since the murder of Jina-Mahsa Amini on September 16 by the morality police, a popular uprising unprecedented in its scope, depth and duration has shaken the Islamic Republic of Iran.

SA logo

Socialist Alliance (Australia): Russia out of Ukraine! No to NATO expansionism! Reject war drive on China

The following two statements, "Russia out of Ukraine! No to NATO expansionism" and "Reject the war drive on China: For a foreign policy based on justice, human rights and climate action" were adopted by the Socialist Alliance national conference on January 14-15, 2023.

Howie Hawkins (Ukraine Solidarity Network US): ‘The anti-imperialist position is to support the national liberation struggle of the Ukrainian people’

Howie Hawkins, a retired Teamsters union warehouse worker, former US Green Party presidential candidate and ecosocialist, discusses the formation of the Ukraine Solidarity Network (US) and the challenges of building solidarity with Ukraine while opposing US imperialism.
ukraine aid

Ukraine aid and anti-imperialism

John Carl Baker — Ukraine aid, like the war itself, is a point of contention on the international left. Supporters see aid as essential for Ukraine’s defense against an imperialist invader. Skeptics regard it as a giveaway to the war industry at best, a fig leaf for the US empire at worst. The dilemma is that both sides have a point.
Sherman tanks

(Dossier) The US SWP and the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937- 1945) — On US intervention and material aid to China

Like in the case of the present war, where the United States is intervening as an “ally” of Ukraine, in the Second Sino-Japanese War the United States entered the war in 1941, becoming the imperialist “ally” of China and started sending direct material aid to China in its war of national liberation against Japan. At the time, a debate emerged between the Socialist Workers Party and the Fourth International on the one hand, and the Workers’ Party on the other.

United States: Building a movement for climate justice

Alyssa Battistoni is co-author of 'A Planet to Win: Why We Need a Green New Deal' (Verso 2019) and is currently writing a book titled 'Free Gifts: Capitalism and the Politics of Nature'. She spoke to Phil Gasper about the climate crisis and a Green New Deal.