Making rape unthinkable

By Kamala Emanuel September 28, 2016 — Links International Journal of

Walter Benjamin, Louis-Auguste Blanqui and the apocalypse

Paris Commune By Doug Enaa Greene September 27, 2016 —

Ideas for the struggle #5 - Minorities can be right

1. Democratic centralism implies not only the subordination of the minority to the majority, but also the respect of the majority towards the minority

Being a Kurdish-Turkish mistake

Portrait of Saladin the Great Septemb

The voice for change – On Hong Kong’s 2016 Legislative Council election results

Nathan Law was one of five candidates who ran for election advocating self-determinati

1916: Use workers’ power to end the war

By Käte Duncker, introduction by John Riddell September 21,

Pakistan: Awami Workers Party second congress finance appeal

September 20, 2016 — Awami Workers Party — Dear friends, well-wishers

Trotsky and Gramsci on revolutionary strategy

Gramsci and Trotsky: Strategy for the Revolution in the West
Emilio Albamonte and Matías Maiello
Argentina: Left Voice, 2016

Ideas for the struggle #4 - Should we reject bureaucratic centralism and simply use consensus?

1. For a long time, left-wing parties operated along authoritarian lines. The usual practice was that of bureaucratic centralism, influenced by the practice of Soviet socialism.

Oppose little Brexit Britain – Defend free movement

We need to campaign actively against little Brexit Britain and the stripping away of our rights, and chief among