Communal Councils

Venezuela after the presidential election: ‘This is not a left-wing government’

Postcard from a Venezuelan feminist in Caracas

The end of Venezuela’s Bolivarian process? An interview with community activist Gerardo Rojas

Venezuela: Politics of the commons — The open-ended history of communes

‘Where danger lies…’: The communal alternative in Venezuela
Venezuela: a turning point for Latin America?

President Nicolás Maduro addresses Chavista supporte
Venezuela: Racism and the counter-revolution

Chavez’ revolutionary government spent $300 million to build a futuristic fu
Venezuela: Revolution brings substantial improvements to working-class neighbourhoods

Hillside barrios in Caracas.
Marta Harnecker: 'Chavez's legacy: with the people, building a socialist alternative to capitalism'

Thousands turn out in Caracas to remember Chavez.
By Marta Harnecker, translated by Yoshie Furuhashi for MRZine
March 6, 2013 -- La Segunda -- When Hugo Chávez triumphed in the 1998 presidential elections, the neoliberal capitalist model was already floundering. The choice then was whether to re-establish the neoliberal capitalist model -- clearly with some changes including greater concern for social issues, but still motivated by the same logic of profit seeking -- or to go ahead and try to build another model.