[단독]홍익대 투쟁에 대한 국제적 지지가 조직되다



저 명한 국제적 지식인들과 좌파단체·노동조합 등이 홍익대 미화 노동자 투쟁에 연대 메시지와 서명을 보내 왔다. 1월 22일 현재까지 미국의 저명한 경제학자 마틴 하트-랜즈버그, 세계적으로 저명한 마르크스주의자이자 영국 사회주의노동자당 중앙위원인 알렉스 캘리니코스를 포함해 지식인, 좌파·노동조합 주요 활동가 27명과 2개 단체가 동참했다. 아래 명단은 1차분이고, 이 서명은 앞으로도 계속 진행될 예정이다. 이 서명은 다함께 국제연락팀 박준규가 주도적으로 조직했다.

연대서명과 메시지(1월 22일 현재까지 1차분)

여 러분들의 노동조건에 대해서 읽었을 때 저는 가슴이 아팠습니다. 그러나 이를 개선하기 위한 여러분들의 노력을 홍익대학교 측이 어떻게 답했는지를 읽었을 때는 화가 났습니다. 노동조합을 만들고자 하는 여러분들의 투쟁은 정당합니다. 저는 여러분들의 헌신과 용기에 영감을 받았습니다. 저는 여러분께 연대의 인사를 보내며 빠른 승리를 기원합니다.

마틴 하트-랜즈버그(Martin Hart-Landsberg), 루이스와 클라크칼러지, 경제학 교수, 미국

호주의 가장 큰 사회주의자 조직인 사회주의연맹의 회원과 지지자를 대표해 여러분들께 연대와 지지의 인사를 보냅니다.

우리는 여러분들이 경험한 홍익대학교의 냉대에 놀랐으며 여러분들의 이해관계를 지키고 대변할 수 있는 노동조합을 형성할 권리를 지지합니다. 

우 리는 여러분들이 현재 더 나은 임금과 좋은 노동조건 그리고 노동조합 권리를 위해 싸우는 남한 비정규직 노동자들에게 영감을 주고 있다는 것을 저희 신문(Green Left Weekly (http://www.greenleft.org.au)과 웹사이트(Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal (http://links.org.au)를 통해 알게 됐습니다. 우리는 계속해서 저희 발행물을 통해 여러분들의 투쟁 소식을 전해 연대를 건설할 것을 다짐합니다.

다시 한 번 호주 노동계급 운동과 사회주의자들을 대표해 여러분들의 용기있는 투쟁에 큰 지지와 연대를 보냅니다.

홍익대학교 미화 노동자들이여 승리하라!

테리 타운센드(Terry Townsend), 호주사회주의연맹 국제관계위원

알렉스 켈리니코스(Alex Callinicos), 킹스칼러지(King’s College), 교수, 영국

찰리 호어(Charlie Hore), 유니슨 지역-자원단체지부, 서기, 영국

레이 테라다(Rei Terada), 얼바인 캘리포니아주립대학교, 교수, 미국

자일스 지 웅파콘(Giles Ji Ungpakorn), 태국망명가, 정치학 교수

헬렌 달비(Helen Darby), 맨체스터메트로팔리탄대학교 석사과정, 영국

마크 캠벨(Mark Campbell), 대학교대학연합전국집행위원, 영국

도미닉 모리스, 캠브리지대학교, 영국

앤디 피스트(Andy Feast), 맨체스터대학교, 영국 

크리스티 윈(Kiristi Wynne), 세네카대학 교수, 캐나다

파우 알콘 페레즈(Pau Alarcon Perez), 안달루즈노동조합(Sindicato Andaluz de Trabajadores) 사회연구자, 스페인

브라이언 오보일(Brian O’Bolye), 아일랜드국립대학교, 경제학 학과장, 아일랜드

아시아 모니터 리소스 센터(Asia Monitor Resource Center), 홍콩

알랜 코틀리(Alan Goatley), 킵레프트(Keep Left), 남아프리카공화국

클래어 세루티(Claire Ceruti), 킵레프트, 남아프리카공화국

루크 신웰(Luke Sinwell), 요하나스버그대학교, 남아프리카공화국

유하라 아담스(Yuohra Adams), New Women’s Movement, 남아프리카공화국

사미 A. 엠베사(Thami A. Mbetha), ANC(아프리카민족회의), 남아프리카공화국

찰스 마카훼일라(Charles Makafeila), 에코빌리지 협동조합, 남아프리카공화국

Lok Raj Sangathan(일반비서노동자연합위원회), 인도

마노스 라기아스(Manos Ragias), 그리스

Estudiants En Lluita(학생투쟁), 스페인

안토니오 빈센테(Antonio Vicente), 전국고등교육노동조합 회장, 포르투갈

루이 볼지스(Rui Borges), 전국고등교육노동조합 집행위원, 포르투갈

적색수염(Red Beard), 미국 워싱턴주 시애틀

시티븐 매튜스(Steven Matthews)

덴마크 ‘국제사회주의자’

파키스탄 ‘국제사회주의자’

이 기사를 읽은 후 연결기사 ‘홍익대 미화노동자 투쟁에 지지와 연대를’을 읽으시기 바랍니다.

ⓒ<레프트21> 49호 | online 입력 2011-01-22

Solidarity with the Hong Ik University Custodial Workers from the Socialist Alliance in Australia

Dear comrades,

On behalf of the members and supporters of the Socialist Alliance, the largest socialist organisation in Australia, I would like offer our solidarity and support to the defiant workers at the Hong Ik University.

We have been shocked at the callous treatment you have experienced at the hands of the university administration and fully support your right to form a trade union to represent and defend your interests.

Through our press and websites -- Green Left Weekly (http://www.greenleft.org.au) & Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal (http://links.org.au) -- we have learned of your vanguard role in the struggle of South Korea's "irregular" workers for better wages and working conditions, and full trade union rights. We pledge to use those publications to spread the news and build solidarity with your struggle.

Again, on behalf of the socialist and working-class movement in Australia, we offer our strongest support and solidarity to your courageous struggle.

Victory to the Hong Ik University Custodial Workers!

In solidarity,

Terry Townsend,

For the International Relations Committee of the Socialist Alliance of Australia, and editor of Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal


Dear Workers,

I was first saddened and then angered as I read about your working conditions at Hongik University and the response of University officials to your efforts to improve them.Your struggle for unionization is just and I am inspired by your commitment and strength.  I send you greetings of solidarity and hopes for a speedy victory. 

Martin Hart-Landsberg

Professor of Economics, Lewis and Clark College, Portland, Oregon, USA.

By the Asia Monitor Resource Centre


January 21, 2011 -- We join in solidarity with workers and labour groups in South Korea, to strongly condemn the heartless dismissal of 170 cleaning workers as well as security guards from Hong Ik University just after New Year's Day. We strongly applaud the workers for their courage and strength, and will help to make their case known everywhere until justice is reached.

New year’s Day of all days

New Year’s Day is a time for celebration and hope, yet your university has coldly turned out 170 loyal hard-working workers who are in their 40s and 50s, because of their rightful exercise of freedom to associate in a union. In temperature of 17 degrees C below zero at night, the workers have been justly protesting yet the university continues to pretend it has no responsibility. We totally reject the University’s attempt to claim it is not the direct employer, because of the superficial subcontracting relationship.

Union-busting – a job for a university?

We question whether a university is a place that merely employs workers and ‘serves’ clients – their students. A university is not merely a workplace and service provider, and not only a place to reproduce the future educated workforce for other employers, but a place where young people gain the ability to think critically and discern what is valuable and good, fulfil their maximum learning and creative potential, and become contributors to the society’s well-being. It is a place where above all, students should be instilled with the most basic value – respect for human beings.

The University is not only refusing to renew the workers' contract, refusing to recognize the injustice of their low wages, insecure work and right to associate, but has actually threatened these 40 and 50 year old family breadwinners with libel and defamation. By these rude union-busting measures, the university expresses its authoritarian rule, inconsideration for workers that have been contributing humbly to the university environment with their work, and value of money over people. These are not values that a university should reinforce, and this act brings deep shame to Hong Ik University as well as the country.

Exploiting low-wage workers, paying below minimum wage

The workers have been paid below even the minimum wage. This is illegal as well as morally shameful. The daily stipend of 300 won for the cleaners is also ridiculous and shameful, and expresses the total disregard of the university for its workers.

The university shameless is using teaching staff and students to be the strike-breakers, to do the work of the security guard it has dismissed. How far will the university go, to avoid its responsibility and exploit those in need of work?

Subcontracting and dispatch work: worsening work conditions and lives, all across Asia – we say NO

We further strongly express our rejection of employers in South Korea that attempt to use subcontracting and outsourcing and all irregular forms of work as a way to withhold social security, labour rights and basic decent work conditions from their workers. Such unjust legal artifices only contribute to worsening poverty and social disparity, and social conflicts, in South Korea but also all across Asia.

The South Korean government allows employers such as even universities to blatantly deprive workers of their rights to form unions and bargain for their just rights to wages and safe working conditions. In an urban society where lack of wages means lack of livelihood, such policies are creating a situation hardly different from forced labour, when workers are faced with job loss and even lawsuits, for the mere attempts to access their constitution right of association.


Give back the jobs to the 170 cleaning workers! Bring them in from the cold!

Give wage increases to the workers – no more paying below minimum wage!

Respect cleaning workers!


We support you! We will let others know your case until justice is reached!