South Korea

Korea soldier

North and South Korea at a turning point after 70 years

Karen Yamanaka — The situation on the Korean Peninsula is at its most dangerous since 1950.

China Korea US

Youngsu Won (South Korea): ‘US-China tensions have erased any space for struggle’

Youngsu Won discusses how rising tensions between the United States and China impact South Korean politics.

South Korea's COVID-19 crisis: The work of a millennial sect?

By Youngsu Won

March 2, 2020 — Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal — The abrupt mass outbreak of COVID-19 has shocked most of South Korea - with the exception of a small millennial sect. 

By March 1, the number of diagnosed cases of COVID-19 had risen to more than 3700, including 20 confirmed deaths, representing a huge rise compared with the less than 100 cases just two weeks before.

More than 60% of those infected are members of a religious sect: the Shincheonji Church of Jesus. Shincheonji means New Heaven and Earth in Korean and implies a millennial Christian utopia. Its leader, Lee Man-hee, controls this monolithic organism from top to bottom.

South Korea's ugly refugee phobia

By Youngsu Won August 1, 2018
Links International Journal of Socialist RenewalThe historical candlelight movement of 2016-17 finally turned South Korea from one of the most reactionary anti-communist regimes into a normal democracy. However, the recent debate over Yemenis refugees revealed the naked face of deep-seated racism of many Koreans.

Contextualizing South Korea’s Winter Olympics

By Youngsu Won February 6, 2018 — Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal — This winter has been extremely cold in South Korea, with temperatures regularly reaching well below -10oC – perhaps another sign of climate change. One of the coldest places has been Pyeongchang, a small town in Gangwon Province, which is just below the demilitarized zone (DMZ) and is set to host the Winter Olympics between February 9 to 25.