Egypt: 'Reject the Supplementary Constitutional Declaration' military coup

June 18, 2012 – --  The signatories to this statement announce their complete rejection of the Supplementary Constitutional Declaration. The declaration completes the process of the military coup which began on February 12, 2011, after Hosni Mubarak’s rule had been ended, and put down roots through the Constitutional Declaration of March 2011 and the ludicrous and corrupt arrangements for the transitional period.

We therefore call on the Egyptian people to reject the Supplementary Declaration and to show their rejection by participating a mass mobilisation against it as an expression of their insistence that the revolution must continue and meet its objectives. We affirm that resistance to the coup demands the following:

  • A mass mobilisation completely rejecting the Supplementary Declaration.
  • A declaration by the president-elect stating his definitive rejection of the Supplementary Declaration, by refusing to take the oath of office in front of the Supreme Constitutional Court and refusing to swear that he will uphold the Constitutional Declaration and its amendments because this will legitimise the Supplementary Declaration completely.
  • Parties, political movements and the main trade unions to elect a Constituent Assembly on the basis of consensus in order to block the military’s attempts to intervene in the formation of the assembly.
  • The president-elect must issue an immediate order calling on the military to return to its barracks and cancelling the powers granted to the military police to arrest civilians.
  • The president-elect must issue an immediate amnesty for all civilians detained by the military and form a committee to investigate the crimes committed against the revolutionaries and to punish the killers of the martyrs.
  • The president-elect must cancel the exceptional measures which restrict the exercise of democratic rights, and especially the criminalisation of strikes.

We therefore call on [on the Egyptian people] to participate in the first protests against this tyrannical declaration in a march from Tala’at Harb Square to Tahrir Square, Tuesday June 19, at 5pm.

Glory to the martyrs and victory to the revolution! Down with the military coup!


The National Front for Justice and Democracy The Popular Committees to Defend the Revolution

The Revolutionary Socialists

The Revolutionary Forces Alliance

The Free Egyptians Movement

The Liberty Front for Peaceful Change Youth for Justice and Liberty

The National Assembly for Change

The Second Revolution of Rage Revolution Continues Bloc (Helwan)

The Suez Youth Block