'The EU Crisis Pocket Guide' for the 99%

October 2011 – The Transnational Institute has produced a useful pocket guide – The EU Crisis Pocket Guide – on how a crisis made in Wall Street was made worse by EU policies, how it has enriched the 1% to the detriment of the 99%, and outlining some possible solutions that prioritise people and the environment above corporate profits.
Download the booklet from these links, or read the 12-page version on screen below this article.
- How a private debt crisis was turned into a public debt crisis and an excuse for austerity
- The way the rich and bankers benefited while the vast majority lost out
- The devastating social consequences of austerity
- The European Union's response to the crisis: more austerity, more privatisation, less democracy
- Ten alternatives put forward by civil society groups to put people and the environment before corporate greed
- Resources for further information
Sources for the guide
- Paul de Grauwe, Fighting the Wrong Enemy, Vox
- In graphics: the Eurozone's crisis, BBC and EU austerity drive country by country, BBC
- Greek Gross Domestic Product Fell By 7.3% In Q2 2011, Capital.gr
- Bank reforms: how much did we bail them out and how much do we still owe, Guardian
- Global bailout tracker, Grail Research
- Federal Reserve System: Opportunities Exist to Strengthen Policies and Processes for Managing Emergency Assistance, US General Accountability Office
- Dossier on EU financial reforms, SOMO, WEED and others
- Austerity measures threaten children, UNICEF
- World Wealth Report 2011, CapGemini
- Top Banks in Europe 2011, Banksdaily.com
- Lobby Planet, Corporate European Observatory
- America awakes to the din of inequity, Financial Times, 16 October 2011
- EU austerity: country by country, European Institute, April 2011
- New system of European 'economic governance' requires greater austerity, EU Observer, 9 June 2011
- Corporate EUtopia: how new economic governance measures challenge democracy, Corporate European Observatory
Thanks to Susan George, Myriam van der Stichele, Andy Storey for comments and Ricardo Santos for the design.
The EU Crisis Pocket Guide for the 99%
thanks for this fine book.
thanks for this fine book. Please give us the permission to translate this book in bangla.