Latin America, Cuba: Against the attack on the Syrian people, no more deaths and lies

Cuba: Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Syria

Havana, August 28, 2013 – The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba issued the following statement regarding the growing threats against Syria. The recent pronouncements of the US government and several NATO allies urging military action in Syria, ignoring the efforts of some states to reach a political solution to the conflict that is bleeding that Arab nation are alarming.

It is necessary to remember that those who today advocate military action against Syria are the same that launched bloody wars without a mandate from the Security Council of the United Nations, under the deliberate lie about the existence of weapons of mass destruction or the pretext of civil protection, which caused substantial deaths of innocent people including children, who they qualify as "collateral damage".

There is a call to attack Syria, just as his government has authorised the UN Research Mission into the alleged use of chemical weapons in the country and this has begun work on the ground.

Cuba condemns any use of chemical and other weapons of mass destruction and is firmly committed to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction and with the strict compliance of its provisions.

The available information on the crisis in Syria is fragmented, imprecise and subject to frequent manipulation.

An aggression against Syria would cause serious consequences for the already troubled region of the Middle East, would be a flagrant violation of the principles of the United Nations Charter and international law and increase the dangers to international peace and security.

Cuba reiterates its conviction that it is necessary to find a political solution and expresses its strong opposition to any attempt to undermine the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Syria and the self-determination of its people.

Against the attack on the Syrian people, no more deaths and lies

Statement by the ALBA Social Movements

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Americas, August 27, 2013 – The undersigning international groups, social movements and organisations from different areas of the world, strongly condemn the imperialist maneuvers of the United States government and its economic interests, who once again are making preparations to invade a country with the excuse of wanting “to promote peace”.

We however know, as we have learned from history, that US invasions only generate more deaths and misery for the people who suffer their attacks as in the case of Vietnam, Afghanistan, Kuwait, Iraq and many other countries that have had to endure US intervention.

The New York Times editorial of August 27, notes that “there is little doubt now that US President Obama is planning some sort of military response” in Syria. The monarchist daily El Pais in Spain also highlights the topic on its cover today. Large hegemonic media is setting the stage to legitimise this intervention, which, as we all know lurks geopolitical control purposes over an area of the world that is strategic to imperialist interests.

The use of chemical weapons must be condemned in any part of the world. However in this case, there is no clear information on who is using them. Also, what transnational company is producing them? Nor is it clear who has been selling these weapons.

We, the peoples of Latin America, will remain alert and strongly condemn the actions of the United States, as the people of Cuba are already condemning. The United States, global police state, now commanded by a Nobel peace prize winner, has violated all relevant UN bodies with the complicity of white imperial European countries (France, United Kingdom), it imposes “peace” in the world by force of arms. It’s the “peace” of cemeteries.

Regardless of the position towards the government of Syria, the defence of the autonomy of our Syrian brothers and sisters must be the main and common flag of social movements worldwide.

For a true global peace with social justice, independence and sovereignty of the peoples of the world, we must denounce by all means this serious situation,

Signed by:

Secretaria Continental de los Movimientos Sociales hacia el ALBA
Frente Popular Dario Santillan – Corriente Nacional Argentina
Juventud Guevarista – Argentina
Marea Popular – Argentina
Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra – MST - Brasil
Movimiento por la Unidad Latinoamericana y el cambio social – Argentina
Via campesina Brasil
Hugo Chavez Peoples’ Defense Front – Canada
Barrio Nuevo – Canada


Las articulaciones internacionacionales, movimientos sociales y referentes de diferentes ámbitos que abajo firmamos repudiamos enérgicamente las maniobras imperialistas del GOBIERNO de los Estados Unidos y sus intereses economicos, que una vez más está haciendo los preparativos para invadir un país con la excusa de querer impartir la paz. Sin embargo sabemos, como lo ha demostrado la historia, que las invasiones por parte de Estados Unidos solo generan más muertes y miseria para los pueblos que sufren sus ataques tal como ocurrió en Vietnam, Afganistán, Kuwait, Irak y tantos otros países que debieron soportar la intervención gringa.

La editorial del New York Times del día 27 de agosto, señala que “hay pocas dudas ahora de que el presidente Obama está planeando algún tipo de respuesta militar” en Siria. El diario monárquico El País de España también trabaja el tema en su portada de hoy. Las grandes medios hegemónicos preparan el escenario para legitimar esta intervención que como todos sabemos esconde fines de control geopolítico sobre una zona del mundo que es estratégica para los intereses imperialistas.

Es condenable el uso de armas quimicos y del gás Sarin, en cualquier parte del mundo. Pero nadie explica quienes los uso? Que empresa transnacional lo fabrica? Tampoco explicam como y a quien se vendieran las armas?

Los pueblos de Latinoamérica nos declaramos en estado de alerta y denunciamos, como ya lo está haciendo el pueblo cubano, el accionar de Estados Unidos, gendarme global, ahora comandado por un premio nóbel de la paz que, violando los órganos correspondientes de la ONU con la complicidad de los países de la Europa blanca e imperial (Francia, Reino Unido), impone “paz” en el mundo con la fuerza de las armas. La “paz” de los cementerios. Independientemente de las posiciones que se tengan respecto al gobierno de Siria, la defensa de la autonomía de este hermano pueblo tiene que ser la bandera principal de los movimientos sociales de todo el mundo.

Por una verdadera Paz mundial con justicia social, independencia y soberanía de los pueblos del mundo. Pedimos que denunciemos por todos los medios posibles esta gravísima situación,

Continente Americano, 27 de agosto de 2013.

Primeras Firmas

Secretaria Continental de los Movimientos Sociales hacia el ALBA
Frente Popular Dario Santillan – Corriente Nacional Argentina
Juventud Guevarista – Argentina
Marea Popular – Argentina
Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra – MST - Brasil
Movimiento por la Unidad Latinoamericana y el cambio social – Argentina
Via campesina Brasil
Frente de Defensa de los Pueblos Hugo Chavez – Canada
Barrio Nuevo – Canada