Ahmed Shawki (US ISO): Legacy of the International Socialist Tendancy

July 19, 2013 – The above talk,"Legacy of Interrnational Socialism", was presented by the US International Socialist Organization's Ahmed Shawki at the organisation's annual Socialism conference in Chicago, June 27-30, 2013. It outlines the some of the history of the International Socialist Tendency and how the Socialist Workers Party of Britain came to dominate and command it. It deals with the relationship between the ISO and SWP, and the current crisis afflicting the UK SWP. It opens a discussion on the basis of international collaboration between left parties. This and other talks are also available at Wearemany.org.

Shawki is author of Black Liberation and Socialism and editor-in-chief of the International Socialist Review.

See also "We can forge the basis for a new and different party".

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