Radio report: This week in Europe with Dick Nichols -- Greek and French elections

May 12, 2012 – 3CR Solidarity Breakfast program – Dick Nichols, Green Left Weekly/Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal's European correspondent, discusses the week's (ending May 12, 2012) developments in Europe on Melbourne community radio 3CR. He discusses the election success of SYRIZA in Greece, the presidential election in France, developments in Spain, and what these mean for the rest of Europe.

Solidarity Breakfast

Solidarity Breakfast

Presented by Bill Deller, Lalitha Chelliah and Mary Merkenich. Produced by Adrian Wong. The Saturday morning 3CR timeslot has a proud history of coverage of tardeunion issues and industrial disputes. Preceded by the Strikeback Show and Par Avion, the Saturday morning presenters have included trade union leaders, activists, radical intellectuals and ratbag troublemakers – sometimes all four!

Solidarity Breakfast covers industrial current affairs and issues from a rank and file unionist perspective, with a focus on the broad labour movement and democratic struggle – both locally and internationally.

Discussion and interviews with experts on bigger picture matters; global capitalism/workers' rights, hotbeds of democratic insurrection and struggle.

Serious coverage is broken up with five minutes of satire by Kevin Healy, with “The Week That Was”.

Join us at 7.30 am, Saturday, each week on 3CR (855 on the AM dial) in Melbourne or streaming at And for your turn on Talkback call in on 9419 0155 at 8.30 am.