Simon Butler: Marxism and the ecological revolution (audio)

Simon Butler.
September 4, 2013 – Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal – Australian Socialist Alliance national executive member Simon Butler gave this speech, "Marxism and the ecological revolution", at the Marxism 2013 conference, which was held in Melbourne, Australia, over March 28-31. The conference was organised by Socialist Alternative.
In the talk Butler explores Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels' much neglected insights into the anti-ecological dynamic of capitalism, a system based on the dual exploitation of labour and nature. He also discusses the relevance of Marx's ecology for meeting today's crises and makes an argument for why 21st century socialists should also be ecosocialists.
Butler is co-author, with Ian Angus, of Too Many People? Population, Immigration and the Environmental Crisis (Haymarket Books 2011).
For more Marxism & ecology, click HERE.