
Kenyatta Ngusilo (C), a member of the Ogiek community, watches as his storehouse burns in Sasimwani Mau Forest, 2023. Hundreds of Ogiek people were left homeless after the Kenyan government evicted alleged encroachers.

Laundering carbon — The Gulf’s ‘new scramble for Africa’

Adam Hanieh — As the world’s largest exporters of crude oil and liquified natural gas, the Gulf states are reconfiguring their relationships with Africa via carbon offset projects, a shift that will have significant consequences for the trajectories of our warming planet.
Construction workers in Marbella, Spain. Photo by Chris Gold. Used under CC license 2.0.

Green class struggle: Workers and the Just Transition

Gareth Dale — A resilient history of workers’ initiatives overcoming redundancies, alongside recent activist, trade-union and workforce collaborations, provide concrete examples for empowered just transitions.
War on the commons

Ian Angus’s ‘The War Against the Commons’: A vital new history of the bloody rise of capitalism

Steve Leigh — Ian Angus's excellent new book covers the violent transition from feudalism to capitalism, demonstrating its relevance to the modern world.
Hulu Jelai rare earth mine

Socialist Party of Malaysia: Hulu Jelai rare earth mine project needs scrutiny

Socialist Party of Malaysia Bureau of Environment and Climate Crisis — The lives and livelihood of the Semai Orang Asli Community in Pos Lanai, Kuala Lipis, Pahang are in danger, once again.
Panama protest

Panamanian socialist: ‘Mineral extraction must be suspended immediately’

José Cambra recounts how popular mobilization defeated an anti-environmental policy in Panama.
Filipino worker

Imperialist expropriation, global care chains and shifting core-periphery boundaries: An interview with Nancy Fraser

Nancy Fraser looks at how transfers of natural wealth and care fit within modern imperialism, the role expropriation continues to play in capital accumulation, and the increasingly blurred nature of core-periphery boundaries under financialised capitalism.


The Gulf Arab states and the new ‘East-East’ axis of world oil

Adam Hanieh — A major shift has taken place in the control of world oil over recent decades: the seemingly unstoppable rise of national oil companies run by governments in the Middle East, China, Russia and others in the Global South.


The climate crisis: corporations are gambling with our lives

Marty Hart-Landsberg — The US government continues to green light the use of fossil fuels, even while voicing support for an international agreement to phase out fossil fuels. What gives? And what can we do about it?

al-Jaber COP28

Oil jabber heard in Dubai: Top ten reasons to dismiss the Conference of Polluters 28

Patrick Bond & Desmond D’Sa — The crucial point for the host-country president and his supporters in Western, BRICS+ and OPEC countries was to not concede the need to “phase out“ gas, oil and coal.
wind farm

Sustainable work and just transition

Dario Azzellini — The radical transformation of production and consumption patterns alone will not lead to the required social and ecological transition. Employment and the labor markets are changing and we have to make sure that work itself becomes sustainable in all its aspects.

COP28 Dubai : The other side of the story

Farooq Tariq & Zaighum Abbas — The final agreement is termed by international media as a “historic accord on the transition away from fossil fuels.” However, the reality is far from it.

In the convergence of crises, the challenge is to take forward the workers and the people

Ana Cristina Carvalhaes — The multiplication of wars and the aggravation of tensions between states and intra-states are only one of the signs of the new historical period of convergence of crises, opened with the crash of 2008.