
Oil jabber heard in Dubai: Top ten reasons to dismiss the Conference of Polluters 28
Patrick Bond & Desmond D’Sa — The crucial point for the host-country president and his supporters in Western, BRICS+ and OPEC countries was to not concede the need to “phase out“ gas, oil and coal.

Sustainable work and just transition
Dario Azzellini — The radical transformation of production and consumption patterns alone will not lead to the required social and ecological transition. Employment and the labor markets are changing and we have to make sure that work itself becomes sustainable in all its aspects.

COP28 Dubai : The other side of the story
Farooq Tariq & Zaighum Abbas — The final agreement is termed by international media as a “historic accord on the transition away from fossil fuels.” However, the reality is far from it.

In the convergence of crises, the challenge is to take forward the workers and the people
Ana Cristina Carvalhaes — The multiplication of wars and the aggravation of tensions between states and intra-states are only one of the signs of the new historical period of convergence of crises, opened with the crash of 2008.

Global Ecosocialist Network on COP28: We need to challenge the power of fossil fuel capitalism
The challenge remains to build a people’s climate movement strong enough to challenge the power of fossil fuel capitalism and link up with other social movements to fight for an ecosocialist future.

Green Capitalism — Don’t believe the hype!
Marty Hart-Landsberg — If we want a sustainable and equitable economic system, we are going to have to overcome capitalist imperatives and develop the organizations and institutions that will allow us to directly build it.

Degrowth: How anti-worker would it be?
Don Fitz — Many of the accusations against degrowth have been answered. But one accusation still seems to lack an adequate response: Is the US working class inherently anti-degrowth because it would mean a massive loss of jobs?

Nuclear fusion: Eternal energy = eternal damnation
Don Fitz & Stan Cox — Like a third rate zombie movie on Netflix, delusions of nuclear fusion repeatedly rise from the dead.

Germany: Nationwide strike reveals class and environmental dimensions
Karel Ludenhoff — The increased willingness to strike in both the public and private sectors is not surprising given that an enormous wage theft is taking place in Germany. Yet we can observe elements in these trade-union-led actions that go beyond the merely economic sphere, especially in the common ground concerning union and climate struggles.
Food sovereignty: A manifesto for the future of our planet

By La Via Campesina