South Asia

Rohingya displaced Muslims

The Rohingya crisis and the national question: A Marxist perspective

Noor Sadaque — The Rohingya crisis is a stark reminder that ethnic oppression is inseparable from class struggle.
IMF out of Pakistan

World Bank and IMF — Keeping Pakistan in shackles

Farooq Tariq — Pakistani farmers and peasants are demanding accountability for the WB-IMF’s promotion of neoliberal and open-market economic policies that fuel hunger and inequalities.
100 years communist movement India

Centenary of the Communist movement in India: Achievements, lessons and challenges

Dipankar Bhattacharya look at the history of the communist movement in India to draw inspiration and lessons from the past for facing the challenges of the present.
CPIML election victories

India: Pointers and challenges of recent election outcome (plus CPIML Liberation scores election wins)

Dipankar Bhattacharya — In many ways the November election outcomes should be seen as an early reality check after the denting of the BJP's majority in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections.
Imran Khan’s supporters broke through security barriers on roads blocked with shipping containers as they responded to his call for a sit-in protest.

Pakistan: Comprador nation

Ammar Ali Jan — The accumulated contradictions of the Pakistani state have thus mutated into a full-blown crisis.
Sri Lanka election results

Sri Lanka: Reading the General Election 2024 (plus: The Sri Lankan left’s long road to power)

Pasan Jayasinghe & Amali Wedagedara — The National People’s Power (NPP) has made history. How can the NPP’s victory and mandate be understood, and what will the next five years look like?
Modi RSS

RSS enters its centenary: A saga of uninterrupted fascist assault on modern India

Dipankar Bhattacharya — Hindu consolidation remains the central theme of the RSS and to achieve this goal it simultaneously plays the twin cards of victimhood as well as pride and power.
Anura Kumara Dissanayake

Comrade President? Change and continuity in Sri Lanka

Balasingham Skanthakumar — Anura Kumara Dissanayake’s victory on 21 September as the candidate of the centre-left National People’s Power (NPP) coalition is highly significant for symbolic and substantive reasons.
CPIML MCC merger rally

The MCC-CPI(ML) unification: Convergence of two legacies and trajectories of the Communist movement in India

Dipankar Bhattacharya — The merger of the Marxist Coordination Committee into the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) has been greatly welcomed by the broad left ranks across the country.
Pakistan on the edge

Pakistan: As the old is dying, a new struggles to be born

Ammar Ali Jan — Decades of economic, political and social neglect have now metastasised into a scenario that sees Pakistan seemingly heading down a blind alley.
Bangladesh protests

Bangladesh navigates a turbulent transition, awaits a new equilibrium after ouster of Awami League rule

Progressive and left voices in Bangladesh give their views on the recent mass upsurge and assessment and expectations of the interim administration in place.
Ammar Ali Jan

Ammar Ali Jan (People’s Rights Party, HKP): ‘You have to embed yourself in the movement of history’

Ammar Ali Jan discusses the challenges of building a new workers’ party in Pakistan — and the Haqooq-e-Khalq Party's recent victories for Lahore’s most vulnerable workers.