
Balochistan resistance

Baloch resistance: Again I shall rise!

Omer Abdullah Khan — All Baloch nationalists, socialists, and progressives who genuinely want to see an end to their suffering and the emancipation of their people, must know that Imperialism as a system is the root cause of our slavery and subjugation.

Iran Pakistan Balochistan

The Pakistan-Iran border attacks in historic perspectives

Farooq Tariq — Following a Pakistani air force strike on an Iranian border town and an Iranian missile attack on a border town in Balochistan, Pakistan and Iran have agreed to de-escalate the war threat and reestablish full-fledged diplomatic relations.

Balochistan: Birth of a movement - The transformation of the Bramsh Solidarity Committees

By Balochistan Marxist Review

October 8, 2020 — Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal reposted from Balochistan Marxist Review — Baloch society has entered into a new phase of political mobilization since the Dan’nuk incident[1]. A growing number of students, youth, and ordinary citizens, previously withdrawn from political activities during the ‘reign of terror’, a decade of state atrocities that is epitomised in the popular but also gory phrase of “kill and dump” started reclaiming the popular political space from the conventional nationalists as well as the king’s party. This mobilization is happening in the streets as well as on the social media, with a leading role of students and an unprecedented presence and participation of women. This new political force, comprising of students, youth, and intellectuals has started organizing independent of both bourgeoisie parliamentary parties and the separatist militant groups. Organizing on its own, crafting its own slogans, and perhaps most importantly, refusing to be a part of reactionary nationalism divided on the lines of personal interests of the elite leadership. The new phase of Baloch political mobilization is taking a shape of its own – a decentralized solidarity movement.

Socialist Alliance (Australia) condemns murder of Baloch leader

Dr Mannan Baloch Thursday, February 4, 2016 -- Socialist Alliance (Austral