Bolivia: Evo Morales re-elected, important challenges lie ahead
Evo Morales addresses supporters in La Paz on election night. In foreground is David Choquehuenca, Bolivia’s foreign minister.
How Bolivia is leading the global fight against climate disaster
A women in Bolivia views a melting glacier's water.
Governing with the people: some examples from Bolivia
Bolivia's controversial new child labour law allows children under the age of 14 to work, but only in
Evo Morales: ‘Our liberation is for the whole of humanity’
Group of 77 Summit — Plurinational State of Bolivia, 14 and 15 June 2014.
Australia: Socialist Alliance's 'International Political Perspectives' resolution
"Despite repeated warnings from the majority of the world's scientists of the urgent need to slash greenhouse gas emission, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere passed over 400 parts per million for the first time in
Cuando el árbol del “antiextractivismo” no deja ver el bosque
Miles de pueblos indígenas dirigidos por la CONAIE (Confederación de Nacionalidades Ind