climate change

Dollars versus Earth

To save the environment, we must end the profit system

Ian Angus talks about capitalism, metabolic rifts, degrowth and ecosocialism.
Protest at COP29 in Azerbaijan, November 2024

Caucasus Feminist Anti-War Movement: Against Azerbaijan’s authoritarianism, COP29, green capitalism, wars and the regional slide into authoritarianism

Caucasus Feminist Anti-War Movement is an emerging movement of feminist and anti-war/peace activists from Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia.
Eco apartheid Palestine

Sustainability fantasies/genocidal realities: Palestine against an eco-apartheid world

Vijay Kolinjivadi & Asmaa Ashraf — Gaza’s plight is part of a broader eco-apartheid system, perpetuating colonial violence to safeguard Western interests and profits.
Workers of the Earth: Labour, Ecology and Reproduction in the Age of Climate Change

Workers of the Earth, unite!: An interview with Stefania Barca

Stefania Barca affirms the need for a working-class ecopolitics while challenging the narrow understandings of class struggle and material interest that suffuse much of the current discourse.
hot worker

Capitalism, climate change and workers’ health: Notes on a research agenda

Raju J Das — Building on Friedrich Engels, this article introduces the concept of “eco-social murder” to explore the ways in which the ecological character of capitalism is killing and harming workers.
Frederikke Hellemann

Frederikke Hellemann (Red-Green Alliance, Denmark): ‘What we have tried to do is to go back to our roots’

Red-Green Alliance candidate Frederikke Hellemann on the challenges facing the Danish Left in 2024.
Marx et al

From the genocide in Palestine and Ukraine to the fascist threat: Working toward a revolutionary, Marxist-Humanist response

Today’s global capitalism is sinking into unimaginable levels of barbarism. Nowhere is this barbarism more glaring than in Israel’s genocide in Gaza

The Gulf Arab states and the new ‘East-East’ axis of world oil

Adam Hanieh — A major shift has taken place in the control of world oil over recent decades: the seemingly unstoppable rise of national oil companies run by governments in the Middle East, China, Russia and others in the Global South.

Mariana Riscali

Ecosocialism, internationalism and fighting the far-right in Brazil: An interview with Mariana Riscali (MES/PSOL)

Mariana Riscali looks at the state of Brazil’s far right, as well as the country’s trade unions and social movements, and outlines MES’ views on parliamentary work, ecosocialism and internationalism.


The climate crisis: corporations are gambling with our lives

Marty Hart-Landsberg — The US government continues to green light the use of fossil fuels, even while voicing support for an international agreement to phase out fossil fuels. What gives? And what can we do about it?

ecological crisis

Neoimperialism, ecological crisis and the fight for a new internationalism: An interview with Pedro Fuentes

Pedro Fuentes discusses imperialism’s new phase, ecological crisis and "accumulation by dispossession", the unpredictability of contemporary politics and the need for a new internationalism.