
The Syrian revolution, Iran and Israel: Squaring the circle, refuting myths
Michael Karadjis breaks down some myths surrounding Israel, Iran and the fall of the Assad regime.

The epochal crisis of global capitalism — Challenges for popular resistance from below
William I Robinson — Faced with an unprecedented crisis of epochal proportions, global capitalism’s extermination impulse is rising to the surface. Never has the slogan “resist to exist” been more opportune and appropriate.

Geopolitics of genocide: An interview with Rafeef Ziadah
Rafeef Ziadah — The genocide in Gaza lays bare the harsh realities of modern geopolitics, highlighting the mechanisms of power in a world shaped by imperial ambitions and the strategic exploitation of resources.

Two myths about the Gaza ceasefire
Gilbert Achcar — There are two conspicuous myths about the Gaza ceasefire.

The Palestinian Authority and the completion of the siege
Gilbert Achcar — Since the completion of the first year of the ongoing Zionist genocidal war on Gaza, a shameful scene has been taking place before our eyes in the West Bank.

Rashid Khalidi: ‘Israel has created a nightmare scenario for itself. The clock is ticking’
Rashid Khalidi argues the present war is not the “Israeli September 11”. Instead, the only way to understand it is within the context of the war that Israel has been waging against Palestine for the past century.

Gilbert Achcar: Lebanon’s ceasefire is no ‘divine victory’
Gilbert Achcar — Even if not fatal, the blow that the Zionist armed forces have inflicted on Hezbollah is much greater than in 2006.

Palestinian resistance is very much alive and kicking
Édouard Soulier — Armed resistance will not be enough to secure withdrawal without movement from the outside, whether it be boycott campaigns or direct pressure via mobilisation.