national question (Russia)

Lenin writing

In defence of Lenin’s writings on the national question: A response to Hanna Perekhoda

Dmitry Pozhidaev — Lenin’s vision of the national question was far from assimilationist; it was a dialectical approach that recognised proletarian internationalism could only be built on respect for national and cultural differences.

Ireland and Ukraine’s struggle for independence 1916 –23

Ireland and Ukraine had similar challenges in the period 1916 – 1923. Conor Kostick and Vladyslav Starodubtsev answer questions about the period and compare the experiences of the left in that era.
Mirsaid Sultan-Galiev

Mirsaid Sultan-Galiev: Pioneering Bolshevik theorist of imperialism, national liberation and socialism

Rohini Hensman — Given his prominence as a high-ranking Bolshevik, Mirsaid Sultan-Galiev is very little known. This is a pity, because there is much we can learn from his writings as well as his practice even today.
Russian communist party

‘Putin's regime is not subject to evolution’: An interview with Russian socialist Ilya Budraitskis

Ilya Budraitskis explains the left’s vision of decentralized governance and why Russia’s Communist Party must exit together with Putin.

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