antifascist protest

Brazil: The International Antifascist Conference in Porto Alegre and the challenge of confronting the far right

Israel Dutra & Roberto Robaina — The first International Antifascist Conference will be held May 17-19, as a united initiative of the PSOL, PT, MST and several other organizations and social movements.

Political crisis in Brazil: Opportunities and challenges for the left

Below, Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal is reposting two
views on the current political crisis and the situation facing the left.

Both articles first appeared at Socialist Project

Brazil: Is 'Lulism' over?

Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva with Dilma Rousseff.

[For more on Brazil, click HERE.]

André Singer interviewed by Guilherme Evelin for Revista Epoca, translated for Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal by Federico Fuentes

June 23, 2013 -- André Singer, the person who developed the concept of “Lulism”, says that the recent street protests have opened up a long cycle of mobilisations that will force the government and the country to make some crucial decisions.

Free Fare Movement to Brazil president: 'What matters is meeting the demands of the social movements'

Military police fire on protesters in Sao Paulo. Photograph: Sebastiao Moreira/EPA.