South Africa: The political significance of NUMSA's expulsion from COSATU

NUMSA members dance at a demonstration.
Sudáfrica: “Hay que volver a reivindicar la Carta de la Libertad”

Nelson Mandela con el también acusado Ruth First (centro) y el Congreso de los demócratas
Neue Befreiungskräfte debattieren die Zukunft eines post-Apartheid-Südafrika

[English at]
Federico Fuentes
South Africa: New liberation forces debate post-apartheid future

Striking NUMSA members, July 2014.

Nelson Mandela with fellow accused Ruth First (centre) and Congress of Democrats s
South Africa: Ronnie Kasrils calls for 'no vote' for African National Congress

Former ministers Nozizwe Madlala-