South Africa

1948: Israel, South Africa and the question of genocide
Robin DG Kelley — The UN’s failure to dismantle the colonial order foreclosed the application of the Genocide Convention to Israel, South Africa, and the United States.

Speakers, agenda announced for Ecosocialism 2024: Book your tickets now!
Federico Fuentes — Ecosocialism 2024, to be held on Australia’s west coast, will be an invaluable opportunity to share experiences with activists from around the Indo-Pacific region and discuss how we can collectively campaign against war and climate catastrophe.

South Africa: Punching above its weight
Juan Acevedo-Ossa — South Africa’s ICJ case against Israel is the latest example of its ability to act as a normative superpower, exceeding even the great powers in shaping global moral discourse.

Canada and the South African genocide charges against Israel at the ICJ
The Socialist Project joins a growing chorus of organizations and individuals supporting the South African case and calling on the Canadian government to do the same.

Africa’s role in Palestinian liberation: An interview with Salim Vally
Salim Vally discusses Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza and the relationship between Palestinian liberation and Africa.

Oil jabber heard in Dubai: Top ten reasons to dismiss the Conference of Polluters 28
Patrick Bond & Desmond D’Sa — The crucial point for the host-country president and his supporters in Western, BRICS+ and OPEC countries was to not concede the need to “phase out“ gas, oil and coal.

A tarnished halo: Reassessing Nelson Mandela’s legacy 10 years after his death
Dale T McKinley — The tenth anniversary of Nelson Mandela's death provides a fitting opportunity to assess the legacy of a man whose life was, and remains, a source of fulsome praise and inspiration as well as trenchant criticism.