Special coverage: Understanding Putin's war on Ukraine

[Editor's note: A new book compiling some of the original interviews LINKS has conducted with socialists from Ukraine, Russia and beyond have now been published: Ukraine Resists! Left Voices on Putin’s War, NATO and the Future of Ukraine. It is available to purchase from Resistance Books in paperback or PDF format.]

[Editor's note: As of March 1, 2024, this list is no longer being updated. For those wanting to continue following LINKS' coverage of Russia's war on Ukraine can do so here.]

Since Russian president Vladimir Putin ordered the invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, LINKS International Journal of Socialist Renewal has sought to carry a range of views from the socialist left to help understand the significance of this event. Particular attention has been paid to the voices of Ukrainian and Russian leftists who are at the forefront of resisting this invasion.

Below is a regularly updated compilation of links to articles we have published, ordered into categories and listed from most recent to oldest. We have also included links to some older articles that provide important historical or theoretical context (for example on the debate over Russian imperialism and assessments of events surround the Maidan revolt in 2014 and subsequent anti-Maidan revolt in the country’s east).

Ukrainian left speak

Russian resistance to Putin’s war

On the anniversary of Russia's full-scale invasion

Assessing the character of Russia’s war on Ukraine

Imperialism today

Debating Russian imperialism

Global impacts of Ukraine war

Cancel Ukraine’s debt

Historic background

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