'Green Left Report': Michael Karadjis on Greece, left writer Antony Loewenstein and more

July 11, 2012 -- GreenLeftTV -- The second episode of the Green Left Report features and discussion with Michael Karadjis on the political situation in Greece and the rise of far-left SYRIZA coalition; independent journalist, BDS campaigner and author of the new book Left Turn Antony Loewenstein; "commentator" Carlo Sands and much more.

The Green Left Report is a regular show produced by Australia-based GreenLeftTV and is supported by Green Left Weekly and Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal.

Hosts: Mel Barnes and Simon Butler. Crew: John Reynolds, Jill Hickson, Paul Benedek, Viv Miley, Frank Lesha, Andry Andry and Katrina Channels. Graphics: Daryl Davies. Music: John Gauci. Thanks to all our guests, the crew and the live audience.

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