Free Palestine

Poetry for a Free Palestine

Markela Panegyres — As Israel enacts a genocidal war on Gaza, the words of Palestinian-American poet and physician Fady Joudah echo in my mind.

Turkey: Erdogan’s 2023 neo-Ottoman imperialist agenda, from the Caucasus to the Mediterranean

As Hamas allies, the Iranian and Syrian regimes, along with Hezbollah in Lebanon, are the center of attention for Israeli and US strategists. But a much stronger Islamist camp has been seeking to change the geopolitical map from the South Caucasus to the Mediterranean and beyond.

Greenwash detected

Green Capitalism — Don’t believe the hype!

Marty Hart-Landsberg — If we want a sustainable and equitable economic system, we are going to have to overcome capitalist imperatives and develop the organizations and institutions that will allow us to directly build it.
kohei saito book

How Green was Karl Marx? On Kohei Saito and the Anthropocene

David Black reviews Kohei Saito’s 'Marx in the Anthropocene'.
red guard bolshevik revolution

Lessons of Russia's October 1917 revolution (Part I) — Coup or mass insurrection?

"October is still ground zero for arguments about fundamental, radical social change.

planet earth first

Degrowth: How anti-worker would it be?

Don Fitz — Many of the accusations against degrowth have been answered. But one accusation still seems to lack an adequate response: Is the US working class inherently anti-degrowth because it would mean a massive loss of jobs?
Kim and Putin

Russian-North Korea summit: Fruitless 'joint struggle' between nuclear states

Karen Yamanaka — Putin has recently taken hostile military actions against neighbouring countries in the Far East and has strengthened military ties with North Korea. China, on the other hand, has watched the recent Russian-North Korean rapprochement with mixed feelings.

India: Raid on NewsClick — Condemn Modi-BJP Regime’s Assault on Independent Media and Dissenting Voices!

CPI(ML) Liberation — The Modi-BJP establishment is replicating the colonial-era tactics of intimidating and threatening the media and democratic voices under draconian anti-terror laws.

North and East Syria between imperialisms

Sarah Glynn — Turkey, Iran, and President Assad’s government are in competition for control over the land of Syria, but there is one thing they all agree on: control should not be in the hands of the people who live there, especially if they are Kurds with dangerous ideas about radical democracy.
Lenin statute

Lenin on national rights: Lessons for interpreting the Ukraine war

Renfrey Clarke — Few questions of international politics have seen the Western left as sharply divided as the war in Ukraine. But there is no good reason why Marxists, with the writings of Vladimir Lenin at their disposal, should lack clarity on how to analyse the war.
Mirsaid Sultan-Galiev

Mirsaid Sultan-Galiev: Pioneering Bolshevik theorist of imperialism, national liberation and socialism

Rohini Hensman — Given his prominence as a high-ranking Bolshevik, Mirsaid Sultan-Galiev is very little known. This is a pity, because there is much we can learn from his writings as well as his practice even today.
Russian invasion

Making sense of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

A momentous development has drawn my attention away from the unfolding climate catastrophe on which I have been riveted.