
Denmark: Strange new government, same old politics

Laura Kofod — Denmark’s new centre-right “grand coalition” government is historic in its composition, and – in its brief existence – has already come down clearly on the side of the upper-class.
Karl Marx statue

Marxian ecology, dialectics, and the hierarchy of needs: An interview with John Bellamy Foster

Interview with John Bellamy Foster — Our hope is that, as people mobilize against the environmental conditions produced by the present social system that increasingly threatens their lives, they will also be animated to protect the earth as a home for humanity, carrying out a worldwide ecological and social revolution
Tayip Temel

Tayip Temel (Peoples' Democratic Party): Our goal is to end authoritarianism and democratise Turkey

Ali Barış interviewed HDP Deputy Co-Chair Tayip Temel on the upcoming elections, how the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) will campaign with the Green Left Party and possible political developments.

Besê Hozat (Kurdistan Democratic Communities Union): Towards a free and democratic Turkey with the Labour and Freedom Alliance

Besê Hozat — Everyone agrees on the fact that these elections are one of the most important elections in the history of the republic. Expanding and supporting the Labour and Freedom alliance is of historic importance for Turkey’s democracy.
Railroad Germany

Germany: Nationwide strike reveals class and environmental dimensions

Karel Ludenhoff — The increased willingness to strike in both the public and private sectors is not surprising given that an enormous wage theft is taking place in Germany. Yet we can observe elements in these trade-union-led actions that go beyond the merely economic sphere, especially in the common ground concerning union and climate struggles.
Farooq Tariq

Farooq Tariq: Pakistan collapsing

Farooq Tariq — Pakistan is facing one of its worst economic and political crises at present. The political crisis is best manifested by the fact that almost half the National Assembly (Lower House of the parliament) members have resigned.
Adani Modi

India: Modi-Adani model in crisis

Arindam Sen — The Modi government must name and punish the criminals behind the Adani scam.

Sam Wainwright (Socialist Alliance, Australia): Impressions of the CPIML Liberation 11th Party Congress

Sam Wainwright — The CPI(ML)’s work and experience can offer inspiration to the left outside India. From the patient and determined base building in Bihar, the party has burst on to the national stage as the most dynamic communist party across the Hindi Belt.

Imperialism: A short introduction

Dave Holmes — We live in a world where capitalism is near universal. However, it’s not just capitalism but capitalism in its imperialist stage. If we don’t understand what this is (and what it is not), we can’t understand anything about the politics of Australia and the world today.
US military aid

Is US aid to Ukraine really 'unprecedented'? New studies destroy the myth propagated by supporters of Western and Russian imperialism

Michael Pröbsting — Politicians of Western governments never tire of asserting that aid from the US and EU for Ukraine is “unprecedented”.
Victor Yeimo

Socialist Party of Malaysia: Release Victor Yeimo and political activists in West Papua immediately!

The Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM) would like to voice our concerns regarding the act of the Indonesian government to criminalize Victor Yeimo and other political activists.