Ukraine war devastation

Boris Kagarlitsky (Russia): On the first anniversary of the war — How much longer can this go on?

Boris Kagarlitsky — The inevitability of military defeat has by now become apparent even to many of those who enthusiastically welcomed the invasion and supported it ideologically.
Ukraine Razem

Razem (Poland): Statement on the anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation

Razem — The last year has clearly demonstrated the constant threat from states that violate international law with increasing boldness, as well as the need to build a new security architecture.
IST statement

International Socialist Tendency statement on the first anniversary of the war in Ukraine

International Socialist Tendency — The overdetermining factor in the Ukraine war is the expansion of the imperial sphere of power of the West (NATO and the European Union) under the leadership of the US on the one hand and the reclamation of Ukraine into the imperial sphere of power of Russia on the other.
Russian antiwar protests

Full-scale freedom to Ukraine: A statement from Russian anti-war activists and their allies on the anniversary of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine

We, citizens of Russia and our allies, who are not giving up and continue to fight the Kremlin dictatorship, oppose the war unleashed in Ukraine and demand the complete withdrawal of Russian troops from its territory. We wish Ukraine a total and unconditional victory, the return of its sovereignty over all illegally occupied and annexed lands. We express boundless solidarity and support to the people of Ukraine and stand with them on the same side in the fight against the aggressor.
SR statement

Social Movement (Ukraine): Statement on the one year anniversary of Russia’s full-scale invasion

Social Movement — A year ago, both the Russian aggressor and West powers expected Ukraine would fall within a few days. But a year has passed and we are still resisting. The lack of knowledge about Ukraine among most foreign observers prevented them from understanding why this is a war of imperial aggression and why Ukrainians are — and will continue — resisting.
Ukraine flag bombed building

Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Ukraine: One year into Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine

Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Ukraine — This unprovoked war undermines everything that we, trade unions, represent - peaceful labor, democratic values, sustainable development and justice. 
Kyiv shelling

Is there an end in sight? The Ukraine war one year on

Vladimir Unkovski-Korica — The threat of endless escalation means we need to press for peace negotiations.
Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko and US President George W. Bush

Myths and facts about the war in Ukraine

Paul Schäfer — The Russian invasion must prompt the Left to re-think its geopolitical assumptions

(Video) Boris Kagarlitsky: How will the war in Ukraine end?

Boris Kagarlitsky talks about the mood of the Russian people and the possibility that the Russian military leadership might insist on ending the war.
Kurdistan Community of Societies Mustafa Karasu

Mustafa Karasu (Kurdistan Democratic Communities Union): Civil society and solidarity help earthquake victims, not the Turkish government

According to Mustafa Karasu, the AKP-MHP regime is trying to hide the catastrophic reality in the earthquake zones.

(Video) Solidarity with Ukraine from the Global South

Bill Fletcher Jr. convenes Ukrainian historian and social activist Vladyslav Starodubtsev, Syrian-American activist Ramah Kudaimi, and Rafael Bernabel of the Puerto Rican Senate to discuss solidarity with Ukraine from parts of the Global South.
Ukraine war year 1

Fourth International: For the right of Ukrainians to decide their future! Complete withdrawal of Russian troops! Stop the war!

Fourth International — The first duty of internationalists is to support and solidarize with the resistance of the Ukrainian people in both their direct opposition to this bloody invasion and the self-organization of society.