
Brazil: What Washington most fears in president-elect Lula

Steve Ellner - What has Washington most worried is the reemergence of a powerful non-aligned movement and the prospect that a progressive like Lula be situated at its helm.
Say here name

Rhythm of revolution in Iran: In the name of Zhina (Mahsa) Amini

Aidin Torkameh - A collective front of a movement of a conscious people seeking self-determination, and recovering Iranian socialisms of the past and making new ones today, is urgently required.
Mike Davis

The political importance of Mike Davis

Phil Hearse - From the 1980s until his death in California on October 22, Mike Davis was among the most influential Marxist theorists writing in the English language.
Stop Putin Stop War

Putin's invasion must be condemned: A response to 'Theses on the war in Ukraine'

Chris Slee - Western imperialism certainly played a part in creating the context for the war. But it was Russian President Vladimir Putin who took the decision to invade, and he must be condemned for this.
Boris Kagarlitsky

“The whole world is becoming more like Russia.” A conversation on deglobalization in the wake of the war in Ukraine with Boris Kagarlitsky

The Russian invasion of Ukraine is having profound repercussions for the international system and the global economy. In this conversation, Boris Kagarlitsky discusses the implications of the war on the Russian economy, its financial sector, and the Russian elite. Furthermore, he nalyzes the ongoing crisis of globalization, in particular Western sanctions, rising commodity prices, and the current role of China.
Spectre graphic

First and Third World ecosocialisms: Improving contemporary ecosocialist debates

David Camfield - As catastrophic floods in Pakistan and drought in Europe and China highlight the ecological crisis of fossil capital, a debate between Matt Huber and Kai Heron raises important issues for anyone concerned with understanding and responding politically to our times.
Jim Crow

Understanding the United States’ unique anti-democratic structures

Barry Sheppard - In the United States, there are built-in anti-democratic structural aspects unique to it that were part of its founding alongside subsequent structural features have also become embedded over time.

Denmark to hold early elections as Social Democrats move right

Duroyan Fertl - On November 1, Denmark will vote, seven months ahead of schedule. Polls show left and right blocs almost neck-and-neck, and the risk of an outright win for the right-wing remains real.
Line Barfod

Denmark: Historic Copenhagen budget leaves Social Democrats out in the cold

Duroyan Fertl & Line Barfod - On September 9, the 2023 budget for the City of Copenhagen was agreed in historic circumstances. Radical left party Enhedslisten (the “Red-Green Alliance”) took the lead in budget negotiations, delivering robust funding for social welfare and the climate, with support from parties of the centre, right and even far-right.

Scottish Socialist Party: Defy and defeat crisis-stricken Tories

Richie Venton - Workers’ livelihoods and rights are being assaulted by an unelected Prime Minister, at the head of an extremist, unelected Tory government.
Golden egg

US abortion rights: Who would kill the gander that goosed a golden egg?

Don Fitz - The suffering of US women under the iron heel of abortion is intensifying, especially for women of color. This makes it imperative to closely examine possible paths forward.
Pro-Lula rally

Brazil: Every vote is decisive

Israel Dutra & Thiago Aguiar - The final stretch of the electoral process, marked by polarization, many fake news stories, and the fight against Bolsonarism, is undefined. The polls are divergent and, of course, there is a dispute about who is ahead.