Sotsialny Rukh conference

A Ukrainian Left under construction on several fronts: The national conference of Sotsialnyi Rukh/Social Movement

Catherine Samary - Ukrainian socialist NGO Sotsialny Rukh (SR - Social Movement), held a national conference in Kyiv. Far from a simple factual and make-shift report, the aim here is to shed light on the specific profile of this young left, based on how it operates at the heart of Ukrainian society and at odds with the dominant contradictory interpretations of the “Euro-Maidan” (2013-2014) which divide the left and are exploited by Putin.
Denis Pilash

Ukraine: The Tsar is naked - Interview with Sotsialnyi Rukh (Social Movement) activist Denis Pilash

Denish Pilash, activist and professor of political science in Kiev, recounts the attempt of the new Ukrainian left to emphasise social conflict in the context of resistance to Russian aggression
Sotsialnyi Rukh

Sotsialnyi Rukh (Social Movement): The war and the future of Ukraine and the left movement

Sotsialnyi Rukh - The people of Ukraine have been facing hard challenges, yet they have proven their ability to fight for the right to decide on their own fate, and their determination to defend the country and to end the war as soon as possible. A party is needed to implement an alternative vision of Ukraine — democratic, social, and socialist.
Nikolay Bogdanov-Bel’sky, “New Fairy Tale,” 1891.

Ukraine and its language in the political imagination of the Russian empire

Hanna Perekhoda - In order to understand Putin’s war against Ukraine and its people, one must take a close look at the place that Ukraine, its state, language, and culture occupy in the imperial and national imagination of Russians.
Anti-war protest in Lisbon. Photo from Feminist Antiwar Resistance / @t_alexx_t

The limits of western economic war with Russia and the failure of climate policy

Simon Pirani - A look at the economic war being waged alongside the military conflict, the resulting disruption of energy markets, and their place in the broader social and ecological crises shaking capital.
Ukraine war

Theses on the war in Ukraine

Dave Holmes and Renfrey Clarke - The war in Ukraine is being used to massively intensify the West’s anti-Russia campaign. But the blowback from the sanctions regime is destabilising Western Europe and intensifying the suffering of developing countries.
rubble in Ukraine

Questions about Ukraine

Daria Saburova - While Russia's annexation of the regions of Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia should shed some light on what happened in 2014, some voices on the left are still accusing Ukraine of having provoked the current military escalation. This article looks back at the events of 2014-2022 to answer several questions that continue to tug at the heartstrings of the radical left and hinder its solidarity with the Ukrainian popular resistance.
Eastern Ukraine

The complex history of eastern Ukraine

Chris Slee - One of Russian President Vladimir Putin's pretexts for invading Ukraine has been his claim to be protecting Russian speakers in the eastern part of the country, which he is now trying to annex to Russia. It is therefore useful to look at the history of the conflict in that area.
Jina protest sydney

Asian left in solidarity with mass protests in Iran

A collection of statements by left parties in Asia in solidarity with mass protests in Iran

Brazil presidential election: Back to the streets to win on October 30!

Socialist Left Movement/PSOL - The left candidate Lula da Silva won the first round with 48.4% of the vote (57,259,504 votes) against 43.2% for his right-wing opponent Jair Bolsonaro (51,072,345 votes): an advantage of about 6 million votes. However, what marked the result - contrary to the expectation created by all the opinion polls - was that Bolsonaro did much better than predicted.

Russian nationalism, NATO, and the threat of nuclear annihilation

Saladdin Ahmed - From the perspective of the ruling class in the West, anything short of unconditional approval of NATO’s policies is automatically perceived with suspicion, but that should not intimidate the left. The ongoing conflict between NATO and Putin’s regime is a capitalist conflict between imperialists. 
Russian tank

Protest and exodus: Has the Putin regime pushed its citizens too far?

Boris Kagarlitsky - Vladimir Putin, by declaring a “partial” mobilization in Russia, achieved at least one thing: society finally realized that it was in a state of war.