An anatomy of revolution: Trotsky and the Spanish Revolution, 1931-1935 (Part I)
Read Part II - Trotsky’s Marxism and the Test of Events, 1931-1935 her
By Hêlîn Asî
The Red Green Alliance's Climate Plan 2030: A social justice route to a green society
Preface: Let us work together and make a rapid and socially just transition
Indian Communists on Modi's re-election
Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal republishes two recent editorials
Interview with Frank Garcia Hernandez by Rob Lyon
What happened to the International Socialist Organization?
By Paul LeBlanc
Does Lonmin’s inclement death resolve – or reload – the Marikana massacre?
An obituary for the ‘unacceptable face of capitalism’
Image: Max Shachtman with James P. Cannon.
Leon Trotsky and cultural revolution
By Doug Enaa Greene