Who really benefits from sweatshops?
Billionaire sweatshop sponger Bruce Rockowitz's CEO in October 2011 Rockowitz married Hong Kong pop star Coco Lee in a ceremony that reportedly cost $20 millio
John Riddell: Five precedents for understanding Egypt’s July coup
General L.G. Kornilov, Moscow, August 1917.
By John Riddell
Catalonia: Showdown with Spanish state looms after huge protest
[For more coverage of Catalonia, click HERE.
Malaysia: Chin Peng 'a determined, resourceful anti-colonial and anti-imperialist fighter'
Chin Peng holds up page one of The Straits Times newspaper of
Swaziland: Communist Party leader arrested during 'election' boycott campaign
Statement by the Communist Party of Swaziland
Capitalism, sexual violence and sexism
For more discussion on feminism, click HERE.
Chile: Allende and 21st century socialism
... a revolution may well be carried out through peaceful means, but cannot be unarmed.
The other September 11: 'The Battle of Chile', Patricio Guzmán's classic documentary
Part 1: Insurrection of the bourgeoisie.
The legacy of Chilean socialism and Salvador Allende
For more on Chile click HERE.
By Roger Burbach
September 11, 2013 -- Futuresocialism.org -- The coup d’etat by General Augusto Pinochet in Chile on September 11, 1973, transformed the history of socialism. Almost a thousand days before, Salvador Allende and the Popular Unity coalition had taken office promising a “Chilean Road to Socialism” based on democratic principles. The government launched an agrarian reform program, recognised the right of workers to take over factories and run them collectively, took control of most of the country’s banks and expropriated multinational corporations like Kennecott and ITT, all within the framework of the Chilean constitution.
PDF version of Marta Harnecker's: 'Instruments for doing politics'
September 8, 2013 – Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal – This is the PDF version of Marta Harnecker's